[comp.bugs.misc] cute rn bug

rk9005@cca.ucsf.edu (Roland McGrath) (03/11/88)

Hmmm, how about:
	Article 1880 in rec.games.misc (-1 more)
Larry, unless you can teach me how to read anti-matter news articles,
I think this is a slight bug.  ;-)

I think what caused this was that I did an "=" to list the subjects
and then said "k", whereupon it said "Cannot delete null subject"
(or something to that effect).  This may have confused it somehow.

This is rn version (from the "v" command) on a Vax 750 running
4.3 BSD Unix.

BTW, is there some reason rn thinks I want my articles replied
to at "rk9005@cca.ucsf.edu.UUCP"??  I don't think most mailers would
approve of this inter-racially married address. :-)
	Roland McGrath
ARPA: roland@rtsg.lbl.gov roland@lbl-rtsg.arpa
UUCP: ...!ucbvax!lbl-rtsg.arpa!roland

ggs@ulysses.homer.nj.att.com (Griff Smith) (03/12/88)

In article <1184@ucsfcca.ucsf.edu>, rk9005@cca.ucsf.edu (Roland McGrath) writes:
> ...
> BTW, is there some reason rn thinks I want my articles replied
> to at "rk9005@cca.ucsf.edu.UUCP"??  I don't think most mailers would
> approve of this inter-racially married address. :-)
| -- 
| 	Roland McGrath
| ARPA: roland@rtsg.lbl.gov roland@lbl-rtsg.arpa
| UUCP: ...!ucbvax!lbl-rtsg.arpa!roland

Objection.  Approval or disapproval of inter-racial marriage is not an
appropriate topic for net humor, especially in technical news groups.
If you had said the mailers wouldn't UNDERSTAND the inter-species
marriage, I probably wouldn't have minded.
Griff Smith	AT&T (Bell Laboratories), Murray Hill
Phone:		1-201-582-7736
UUCP:		{allegra|ihnp4}!ulysses!ggs
Internet:	ggs@ulysses.att.com