[comp.bugs.misc] Problem with JOVE editor

daveb@pyuxf.UUCP (david berk) (04/26/88)

I have a strange problem using the JOVE editor on a Vax running
System V.  When I run a shell command via C-X ! the shell command
executes fine in a window, however "stty: No such device" precedes
the output.  This only occurs when my shell is defined as korn

Any insights into this problem will be appreciated.


Dave Berk

friedl@vsi.UUCP (Stephen J. Friedl) (04/27/88)

In article <307@pyuxf.UUCP>, daveb@pyuxf.UUCP (david berk) writes:
> I have a strange problem using the JOVE editor on a Vax running
> System V.  When I run a shell command via C-X ! the shell command
> executes fine in a window, however "stty: No such device" precedes
> the output.  This only occurs when my shell is defined as korn
> shell.

Disclaimer: I've never used JOVE but I'll give this a shot.

When JOVE runs your command, it almost certainly communicates with
it via pipe so it can put the output into a window.
When ksh starts up, it looks for the $ENV environment variable,
and if it is found, it executes all the commands found in the
file so specified (much like .profile).  What is probably happening
is that your $ENV file (say, ".kshrc") contains a stty command.

Stty does an ioctl(2) on stdin, and the "no such device"
means that this file descriptor is not a character device;
a pipe will give this message.  Move the stty command from
the $ENV file to your .profile and the error will go away
and will probably make everything you do run a little faster.

Steve Friedl           V-Systems, Inc.        Spaf for president!
friedl@vsi.com   {backbones}!vsi.com!friedl    attmail!vsi!friedl

elg@killer.UUCP (Eric Green) (04/28/88)

in article <307@pyuxf.UUCP>, daveb@pyuxf.UUCP (david berk) says:
> I have a strange problem using the JOVE editor on a Vax running
> System V.  When I run a shell command via C-X ! the shell command
> executes fine in a window, however "stty: No such device" precedes
> the output.  This only occurs when my shell is defined as korn
> shell.

You have a "stty" command in your .profile or whatever ksh does upon startup.
I had the same problem when I had an stty command in my .cshrc (I use csh --
old Berzerkley habits die hard). Since output is being sent to a pipe instead
of to a tty, stty complains because it can't find a tty structure.  I removed
the command, and all is well.

    Eric Lee Green  elg@usl.CSNET    Snail Mail P.O. Box 92191        
    ihnp4!killer!elg                 Lafayette, LA 70509              
"Is a dream a lie that don't come true, or is it something worse?"