[comp.bugs.misc] uux fails on long lines in L.sys

lai@vedge.UUCP (David Lai) (05/25/88)

If you are experiencing uucp problems with messages like 'xxxx1 host unknown'
even though there is an entry in L.sys, this may be the problem:

When there is a long line in the L.sys file, like:

xxxx1 Any cua0 1200 cua0 "" AT\r OK-AT\r-OK \dATDP5551212\r CONNECT \r SERVICE?-
\r-SERVICE? uucp connection \d "" BREAK "" \d\r\d\r login:-\r-login: Uhost asswo
rd: aabbccddee

then uux breaks and doesn't know of xxxx1 (test: mail xxxx1!user)
(in fact uux doen't recognize any hosts in the L.sys file after the xxxx1 line).

However, uuname and uucico both will work properly with xxxx1

I don't have the sources but my guess is that uux's internal buffer which holds
lines read from L.sys is overflown.

Correction: trim the line as much as possible, ie. change the response words
like CONNECT to ECT, etc... and hope.

Perhaps this is only a limitaion on sun's implementation of uucp.  I'm
running sunOS 3.5.
	"What is a DJ if he can't scratch?"  - Uncle Jamms Army
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David Lai (vedge!lai@larry.mcrcim.mcgill.edu || ...watmath!onfcanim!vedge!lai)