[comp.bugs.misc] PCC and char x[]={sizeof

rbutterworth@watmath.waterloo.edu (Ray Butterworth) (05/27/88)

For some reason, tsize() in mip's pftn.c is called with garbage
arguments when the type of the array is (char).  The other types
seem to work correctly.

% cat xx.c
int  x[] = { sizeof("abc") };
long y[] = { sizeof("abc") };
char z[] = { sizeof("abc") };

BSD% cc xx.c
"xx.c", line 3: compiler error: compiler takes size of function

SUN% cc xx.c
cc: Fatal error in /lib/ccom: Segmentation fault (core dumped)

chris@softway.oz (Chris Maltby) (05/30/88)

In article <19100@watmath.waterloo.edu> rbutterworth (Ray Butterworth) writes:
> % cat xx.c
> int  x[] = { sizeof("abc") };
> long y[] = { sizeof("abc") };
> char z[] = { sizeof("abc") };
> BSD% cc xx.c
> "xx.c", line 3: compiler error: compiler takes size of function

DYNIX% cc x.c
"xx.c", line 3: unknown size

It's being real smart, and assuming you want to initialise the
char array with "abc". Then it sees the sizeof - spew!
A workaround is:

char _z[] = "abc";
char z[] = { sizeof _z };

I guess the actual fix is to find the spot where it starts the
initialisation and stop it from screwing up.
Chris Maltby - Softway Pty Ltd	(chris@softway.oz)

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