[comp.bugs.misc] Bug in Ultrix 2.0:setting the sticky bit

leo@philmds.UUCP (Leo de Wit) (07/05/88)

The open system call allows setting the sticky bit to non-root users,
for example


creates a file with sticky bit set. But, according to sticky(8):

     Only the super-user can set the sticky bit.

B.T.W. the chmod(1) command does (correctly) not allow setting the
sticky bit for non-root users.


haugj@pigs.UUCP (Joe Bob Willie) (07/07/88)

In article <552@philmds.UUCP> leo@philmds.UUCP (Leo de Wit) writes:
>The open system call allows setting the sticky bit to non-root users,
>for example [ using Ultrix ]
>   close(open(filename,O_WRONLY|O_CREAT|O_TRUNC,512));
>creates a file with sticky bit set. But, according to sticky(8):
>     Only the super-user can set the sticky bit.

just finished trying it here and the results are:

Script started on Wed Jul  6 17:18:14 1988
1 - pigs-> cat bug.c
#include <fcntl.h>
main ()
	close (open ("bug.test", O_WRONLY|O_CREAT|O_TRUNC, 01000));
	perror ("bug.test");
2 - pigs-> cc -o bug bug.c
C-68000 1.8.0 Copyright (c)1985,1986 Green Hills Software, Inc.
3 - pigs-> bug
bug.test: Error 0
4 - pigs-> ls -l bug.test
----------   1 haugj    sys            0 Jul  6 17:18 bug.test
5 - pigs-> 
script done on Wed Jul  6 17:19:02 1988

nope, no bug here.  must be an ultrix value added feature ;-)

- john.
 John "Evil USENET User" F. Haugh II          HECI Exploration Co, Inc., Dallas
 UUCP: ...!killer!rpp386!jfh                            jfh@rpp386.UUCP :DOMAIN
 "You are in a twisty little maze of UUCP connections, all alike" -- fortune

vixie@palo-alto.DEC.COM (Paul Vixie) (07/08/88)

In article <241@pigs.UUCP> haugj@pigs.UUCP (Joe Bob Willie) writes:
# In article <552@philmds.UUCP> leo@philmds.UUCP (Leo de Wit) writes:
# >The open system call allows setting the sticky bit to non-root users,
# >for example [ using Ultrix ]
# >
# >   close(open(filename,O_WRONLY|O_CREAT|O_TRUNC,512));
# >
# >creates a file with sticky bit set. But, according to sticky(8):
# >
# >     Only the super-user can set the sticky bit.
# just finished trying it here and the results are:
# [...]
# ----------   1 haugj    sys            0 Jul  6 17:18 bug.test
# nope, no bug here.  must be an ultrix value added feature ;-)

I got this on an Ultrix 2.X machine:

---------t  1 vixie           0 Jul  7 23:38 bug.test

I don't have a 4.2 system handy, but on Ultrix 1.2:

----------  1 vixie           0 Jul  7 23:49 bug.test

On 4.3BSD (+ all comp.bugs.4bsd.ucb-fixes):

----------  1 vix             0 Jul  7 23:47 bug.test

Note: I am not part of the Ultrix group.  If I get time I'll see if I can
notice this problem and bring it to the attention of someone (who, I do not
know) who might be interested in it.  No guarantees.  DEC is definitely not
aware that I am posting this.
Paul Vixie
Digital Equipment Corporation	Work:  vixie@dec.com	Play:  paul@vixie.UUCP
Western Research Laboratory	 uunet!decwrl!vixie	   uunet!vixie!paul
Palo Alto, California, USA	  +1 415 853 6600	   +1 415 864 7013

robert@computing-maths.cardiff.ac.uk (Robert Evans) (07/14/88)

In article <3341@palo-alto.DEC.COM> vixie@palo-alto.DEC.COM (Paul Vixie) writes:
>In article <241@pigs.UUCP> haugj@pigs.UUCP (Joe Bob Willie) writes:
># In article <552@philmds.UUCP> leo@philmds.UUCP (Leo de Wit) writes:
># >The open system call allows setting the sticky bit to non-root users,
># >for example [ using Ultrix ]

The same feature can be observed on a Sun (3/160) running SunOS 3.5:

Script started on Thu Jul 14 13:51:31 1988
geometry% cat bug.c
#include <fcntl.h>
main ()
        close (open ("bug.test", O_WRONLY|O_CREAT|O_TRUNC, 01000));
        perror ("bug.test");
geometry% cc -o bug bug.c
geometry% bug
bug.test: Error 0
geometry% ls -l bug.test
---------t  1 robert          0 Jul 14 13:52 bug.test
script done on Thu Jul 14 13:52:13 1988
  Robert Evans, Dept of Computing Maths, University College Cardiff,
  PO Box 78, Cardiff, Wales, UK, CF1 1XL.  Tel: +44 (0)222 874000 x 5518
  E-mail: R.Evans@computing-maths.cardiff.ac.uk     UUCP: R.Evans@cf-cm.UUCP

zap@nada.kth.se (Svante Lindahl) (07/24/88)

[ Bug: anybody can create file with sticky-bit.
  Leo de Wit found the bug under Ultrix 2.0.
  Joe Bob Willie reports no bug on Plexus.
  Paul Vixie finds bug on Ultrix 2.x, but it is not present on
  the Ultrix 1.2 and 4.3BSD systems he tested.
  Robert Evans says that SunOS 3.5 has it. ]

I tested the following systems:
Pyramid OSx 4.0:	 Bug present
Sequent Dynix 3.0.4:	 Bug present
VAX 4.3BSD:		 Bug not present
VAX 4.3BSD+NFS (MtXinu): Bug present
Sun SunOS 3.4.2		 Bug present

All the systems were the bug has been found have NFS. None of the
systems that don't have the bug have NFS. Draw your own conclusions
from that.

Svante Lindahl		zap@nada.kth.se		zap@sestak.bitnet

terryl@tekcrl.CRL.TEK.COM (07/26/88)

In article <472@draken.nada.kth.se> zap@nada.kth.se (Svante Lindahl) writes:
>[ Bug: anybody can create file with sticky-bit.
>  Leo de Wit found the bug under Ultrix 2.0.
>  Joe Bob Willie reports no bug on Plexus.
>  Paul Vixie finds bug on Ultrix 2.x, but it is not present on
>  the Ultrix 1.2 and 4.3BSD systems he tested.
>  Robert Evans says that SunOS 3.5 has it. ]
>I tested the following systems:
>Pyramid OSx 4.0:	 Bug present
>Sequent Dynix 3.0.4:	 Bug present
>VAX 4.3BSD:		 Bug not present
>VAX 4.3BSD+NFS (MtXinu): Bug present
>Sun SunOS 3.4.2		 Bug present
>All the systems were the bug has been found have NFS. None of the
>systems that don't have the bug have NFS. Draw your own conclusions
>from that.

     Perusing kernel sources, one can find (for 4.2/4.3 generic-type systems)
the following code fragment(when creating a file for the FIRST time):

			.... = ....(arg&07777&(~ISVTX));

where .... is something to keep the ATT lawyers (and Berkeley's!!! (-:) off
my back; ISVTX is the "sticky bit". So one can see that under generic 4.3
systems, no one (not even root) can create a file with the "sticky bit" set.

     Looking at kernel sources for an NFS machine, I found a similar code
fragment, but without the corresponding ISVTX (actually, I found it with the
fragment in, but the log specifically said it was a fix; earlier versions did
NOT have the corresponding ISVTX fragment).

     So, from this information, I think it is safe to assume that it is a
bug peculiar to NFS, and not 4.2/4.3 generic-type systems (which is strange,
because the NFS code is VERY close to the generic 4.2/4.3 code; sounds like
someone fat-fingered it....).