[comp.bugs.misc] Hard Links between UNIX Utility Programs

mparker@chip.UUCP (M. D. Parker) (07/27/88)

I have noticed the tendency for some programs in UNIX to have hard links.
The program operation is then determined by the name it was invoked by.
As a system administrator this makes it very difficult for me to restrict
one program without restricting all their linked set.  And the problems
is not just simply removing the hard link, since experimentations have
proved that symbolic links do the same.  Thereby preventing restriction

I'd like to request that in future releases, this short-cut be eliminated.

M. D. Parker			ARPANet: chip!mparker@nosc.mil
UNIX Systems Manager		UUCP: ...{ucsd,nosc,hp-sdd,crash}!chip!mparker
				Phone: (619) 457-2340

USPS: M/A-COM Government Systems, 3033 Science Park Road, San Diego, CA 92121

Disclaimer:	Opinions expressed are my own and not necessarily that of
		M/A-COM Government Systems Inc.

pdb@sei.cmu.edu (Patrick Barron) (07/27/88)

You can get exactly the effect you want by just eliminating the links
and making discrete copies of the program under the different names.
You can then protect the individual copies as you wish.


cosell@bbn.com (Bernie Cosell) (07/27/88)

In article <2950@ci.sei.cmu.edu> pdb@sei.cmu.edu (Patrick Barron) writes:
}You can get exactly the effect you want by just eliminating the links
}and making discrete copies of the program under the different names.
}You can then protect the individual copies as you wish.

  I thought of this, too, but it doesn't work.  The posting wasn't clear about
  what he wanted "restricted" to mean, but consider something like this:
  imagine that telnet was set up to use this link hack: if you start it with
  some host-name, it'll just connect you to that host.  So you now have:
       ln telnet myhost1
       ln telnet myhost2
       ln telnet myhost3
  Now, imagine that you are under "orders" to limit access to, say, the
  arpanet.  Thus, no more allowing folk to "free form" 'telnet your.host.edu'.
  Well, you can rm telnet, and in fact ONLY leave around the "myhostN"s that
  correspond to the hosts you are willing to allow the users to access (this is
  the moral equivalent of what you suggested, but actually rm'ing the
  restricted versions instead of just unlinking them).  Now what?  Well, the
  first enterprising user to figure out that
      ln -s /wherever/myhost1 telnet
  in his home directory will REENABLE the telnet access you so carefully tried
  to turn off.  If the user has a directory on the right filesystem, he can
  even use a hard link, or copy the executable to a new name or whatever.

  Altogether, it is not easy to fix.

  /  )                              Bernie Cosell
 /--<  _  __  __   o _              BBN Sys & Tech, Cambridge, MA 02238
/___/_(<_/ (_/) )_(_(<_             cosell@bbn.com

karish@denali.stanford.edu (Chuck Karish) (07/27/88)

In article <184@chip.UUCP> mparker@chip.UUCP (M. D. Parker) writes:
>I have noticed the tendency for some programs in UNIX to have hard links.
>The program operation is then determined by the name it was invoked by.
>As a system administrator this makes it very difficult for me to restrict
>one program without restricting all their linked set.

Why don't you just remove one of the links, and make a second copy of
the program?

The remaining administrative problem is keeping track of which programs
need to be copied this way when a new version of the operating system is
installed.  The installation log files (``tar v'' output) tell you
when links are made, as opposed to actual file extractions.
Chuck Karish	ARPA:	karish@denali.stanford.edu
		BITNET:	karish%denali@forsythe.stanford.edu
		UUCP:	{decvax,hplabs!hpda}!mindcrf!karish
		USPS:	1825 California St. #5   Mountain View, CA 94041

eggert@sm.unisys.com (Paul Eggert) (07/27/88)

In article <184@chip.UUCP> mparker@chip.UUCP (M. D. Parker) writes:

	I have noticed the tendency for some programs in UNIX to have hard
	links....  this makes it very difficult for me to restrict one program
	without restricting all their linked set....  I'd like to request that
	in future releases, this short-cut be eliminated.

This short cut saves disk space and cuts down on paging/swapping, so a blanket
request like this will probably be ignored unless you give more details.
Surely you don't want to let some people run 'compress' and others 'uncompress'!
Are you complaining about chfn/chsh/passwd by any chance?

les@chinet.chi.il.us (Leslie Mikesell) (07/27/88)

In article <184@chip.UUCP> mparker@chip.UUCP (M. D. Parker) writes:
>I have noticed the tendency for some programs in UNIX to have hard links.
>The program operation is then determined by the name it was invoked by.
>As a system administrator this makes it very difficult for me to restrict
>one program without restricting all their linked set.  And the problems
>is not just simply removing the hard link, since experimentations have
>proved that symbolic links do the same.  Thereby preventing restriction

The file permissions are stored in the inodes, and to get another inode
you have to duplicate the data...

Starting with link-a and link-b as two different links to the same file:

rm link-b
cp link-a link-b

Now the files are no longer linked and you can chown/chmod independently.
Unfortunately, you also use extra disk space for each copy and do not
gain the advantage of shared-text when multiple copies are running when
invoked by the different names.

Les Mikesell

chris@mimsy.UUCP (Chris Torek) (07/27/88)

It is not broken; please do not `fix' it.  If the goal is to prevent
programs from running with arbitrary arguments (including argv[0]),
then do that (via the available protection mechanisms, such as
groups).  For instance, if students should not be allowed remote
access to arbitrary hosts:

	% ls -lg /usr/ucb/rsh /usr/ucb/rlogin
	-rwsr-x---  1 root     ins         30720 Mar 15 11:31 /usr/ucb/rlogin
	-rwsr-x---  1 root     ins         28672 Sep  2  1987 /usr/ucb/rsh
	% ls -lg local_host
	-rwxr-sr-x  1 bin      ins        <size> <date, time> local_host
	% ls -l local_host remote_host
	lrwxrwxrwx  1 bin        12 Jun 11 04:13 remote_host -> /usr/ucb/rsh

where `local_host' is a link to a program that makes sure the arguments
are to be allowed to students, then runs /usr/ucb/rsh, and where `ins'
is a group that excludes students.
In-Real-Life: Chris Torek, Univ of MD Comp Sci Dept (+1 301 454 7163)
Domain:	chris@mimsy.umd.edu	Path:	uunet!mimsy!chris

mparker@chip.UUCP (M. D. Parker) (07/27/88)

In article <184@chip.UUCP>, mparker@chip.UUCP (M. D. Parker) writes:
> I have noticed the tendency for some programs in UNIX to have hard links.
> The program operation is then determined by the name it was invoked by.
> As a system administrator this makes it very difficult for me to restrict
> one program without restricting all their linked set.  And the problems
> is not just simply removing the hard link, since experimentations have
> proved that symbolic links do the same.  Thereby preventing restriction
> again.
> I'd like to request that in future releases, this short-cut be eliminated.

Seems from the messages, I have generated a bit of confusion.  Therefore,
perhaps a simple example taken from real life.  I want to prevent users from
examining the mailq using the /usr/ucb/mailq program because I feel that
who a user sends mail to should not be subject to disclosure to others.

Problem seems simple, perform a chmod on /usr/ucb/mailq and all is well.

Complication comes because /usr/ucb/mailq and /usr/lib/sendmail are HARD
LINKED together.  CHMODing one does the same for the other.

First try.  Make another copy of /usr/ucb/sendmail and call it /usr/ucb/mailq.
Programs no longer have HARD LINKs and can be protected individually.
Complication here, if a user creates a SYMBOLIC LINK to the program as:

	ln -s /usr/lib/sendmail mailq

and then executes the program 'mailq', the effect is identical to running
/usr/ucb/mailq prior to my making the copy.  In otherwords, since the 
program is scanning the argument list for its name it was invoked by, my
protection is VERY limited.  I am therefore unable to do what I originally
want, i.e. to restrict the mailq program.

For the above reason, deletion and removal of the HARD LINK will not work.

My only fix, if I had sources, would be to compile seperate versions of 
these linked programs so that the argument list check would be inhibited.
However, without source it is nearly impossible to correct.

Therefore, the easiest way to fix this is if people on the development side
would not rely on this technique. Hmm...be an interesting way to get a
privledged trojan horse into the system wouldn't it by hiding it into 
an install.  Think about this one the next time you install code obtained
from the outside.

M. D. Parker			ARPANet: chip!mparker@nosc.mil
UNIX Systems Manager		UUCP: ...{ucsd,nosc,hp-sdd,crash}!chip!mparker
				Phone: (619) 457-2340

USPS: M/A-COM Government Systems, 3033 Science Park Road, San Diego, CA 92121

Disclaimer:	Opinions expressed are my own and not necessarily that of
		M/A-COM Government Systems Inc.

ok@quintus.uucp (Richard A. O'Keefe) (07/27/88)

In article <27498@bbn.COM> cosell@bbn.com (Bernie Cosell) writes:
>In article <2950@ci.sei.cmu.edu> pdb@sei.cmu.edu (Patrick Barron) writes:
>}You can get exactly the effect you want by just eliminating the links
>}and making discrete copies of the program under the different names.
>}You can then protect the individual copies as you wish.

>  I thought of this, too, but it doesn't work.
>  Well, the first enterprising user to figure out that
>      ln -s /wherever/myhost1 telnet
>  in his home directory will REENABLE the telnet access you so carefully tried
>  to turn off.  If the user has a directory on the right filesystem, he can
>  even use a hard link, or copy the executable to a new name or whatever.
>  Altogether, it is not easy to fix.

Since a program can supply any string it likes in argv[0], even forbidding
every sort of link altogether wouln't permit the original poster to do what
he apparently wants.  To continue with the telnet example:

	main(argc, argv, envv)
	    int argc;
	    char **argv;
	    char **envv;
		char *realprog = "/wherever/myhost";

		argv[0] = "telnet";
		execve(realprog, argv, envv);

The problem isn't links: it's programs which decide what to do based on
their name.  But the name is just another argument.  The problem, then,
is that if there is one program which can do several operations, depending
on an argument to determine which, you can't give a user permission to
do some of the operations without giving him permission to do all of them.
This is a surprise?

It might be possible to put the program in a special group, which none of
the restricted users belongs to, and write a set of set-group-id shell
scripts to call the program appropriately.  Then restricted users couldn't
get at the program directly, and couldn't fake it through the scripts.

wisner@killer.DALLAS.TX.US (Bill "Spam Eggs Sausage and Spam" Wisner) (07/27/88)

Bad example. Even if you completely wipe out the ability to run sendmail
as "mailq," you can still run it as "sendmail -bp".

And links, hard or soft, aren't the only way. How's this:

Bill Wisner / wisner@killer.dallas.tx.us / +1 208 286 7929

df@nud.UUCP (Dale Farnsworth) (07/27/88)

M. D. Parker (mparker@chip.UUCP) writes:
> I have noticed the tendency for some programs in UNIX to have hard links.
> The program operation is then determined by the name it was invoked by.
> I'd like to request that in future releases, this short-cut be eliminated.

Argv[0] is just like any other argument to a unix program.  If a program
shouldn't change its behavior based on argv[0], it shouldn't change its
behavior on argv[1], argv[2], ....

Programs that provide more features than are absolutely necessary
for the job at hand are necessarily less secure than a program without
the additional features.  Security comes at a price.


Dale Farnsworth		602-438-3092	noao!nud!df

vandys@hpisoa1.HP.COM (Andrew Valencia) (07/27/88)

/ hpisoa1:comp.bugs.misc / mparker@chip.UUCP (M. D. Parker) / 10:50 am  Jul 26, 1988 /
>I have noticed the tendency for some programs in UNIX to have hard links.
>The program operation is then determined by the name it was invoked by.
>I'd like to request that in future releases, this short-cut be eliminated.

    I really appreciate the savings in disk space they provide.  Your need
for selective access seems to be the special case, not the general one.  I'd
suggest you break the links and make copies yourself.  Or write a front-end
shell script and avoid the whole issue.

			Just my opinion, mind you!
			Andy Valencia

mparker@chip.UUCP (M. D. Parker) (07/27/88)

*sigh*  Ok, so sendmail is not the best choice of an example.  Here is another:

Try the combination of chfn, chsh and passwd.  Same principles apply for this
one.  I am sure that there are others around though.

M. D. Parker			ARPANet: chip!mparker@nosc.mil
UNIX Systems Manager		UUCP: ...{ucsd,nosc,hp-sdd,crash}!chip!mparker
				Phone: (619) 457-2340

USPS: M/A-COM Government Systems, 3033 Science Park Road, San Diego, CA 92121

Disclaimer:	Opinions expressed are my own and not necessarily that of
		M/A-COM Government Systems Inc.

les@chinet.chi.il.us (Leslie Mikesell) (07/28/88)

In article <185@chip.UUCP> mparker@chip.UUCP (M. D. Parker) writes:
>Programs no longer have HARD LINKs and can be protected individually.
>Complication here, if a user creates a SYMBOLIC LINK to the program as:
>	ln -s /usr/lib/sendmail mailq
>and then executes the program 'mailq', the effect is identical to running
>/usr/ucb/mailq prior to my making the copy.

But most programs have command line switches that override the program
name, and it is easy enough to pass a fake argv[0] to a program anyway.
To control things to the extent that you want, you either have to write
all the programs yourself or make the programs executable only by a
certain user or group ID.  Then you can write a front-end program that
is set[ug]id that knows who is allowed to execute which programs with
which arguments.  Several such programs have been posted to the net to
allow some users access to root without knowing the root password, but 
they should work as well (and be safer) with some other special ID set
up for that purpose.

  Les Mikesell

ok@quintus.uucp (Richard A. O'Keefe) (07/28/88)

In article <186@chip.UUCP> mparker@chip.UUCP (M. D. Parker) writes:
>*sigh*  Ok, so sendmail is not the best choice of an example.  Here is another:
>Try the combination of chfn, chsh and passwd.  Same principles apply for this
>one.  I am sure that there are others around though.

What system are you using?  I've just tried a couple of machines, and
chfn, chsh, passwd not only have different I-numbers, they aren't even
the same size, and strict System V has only /bin/passwd.  If they were
the same, the interface-via-set-group-id-scripts method would work.

steve@altos86.UUCP (Steve Scherf) (07/29/88)

In article <184@chip.UUCP> mparker@chip.UUCP (M. D. Parker) writes:
>I have noticed the tendency for some programs in UNIX to have hard links.
>The program operation is then determined by the name it was invoked by.
>I'd like to request that in future releases, this short-cut be eliminated.

It's not exactly a short-cut. It saves disk space, and this can be crucial

Steve Scherf	...!ucbvax!sun!altos86		...!ucbvax!ucscc!ssyx!barsoom
Don't blame Altos for any stupidity printed above.

lyndon@ncc.Nexus.CA (Lyndon Nerenberg) (07/29/88)

Actually, you can disable mailq on a binary site. After moving the
original /usr/lib/sendmail to a protected copy somewhere, crank up
emacs on the "public" binary. Find the argv[0] comparison table
(just search for "mailq") and replace the m with a null.

You also have to find the check for -bq and nuke it as well...

VE6BBM   {alberta,pyramid,uunet}!ncc!lyndon  lyndon@Nexus.CA

maart@cs.vu.nl (Maarten Litmaath) (07/30/88)

In article <10358@ncc.Nexus.CA> lyndon@ncc.nexus.ca (Lyndon Nerenberg) writes:
\Actually, you can disable mailq on a binary site. After moving the
\original /usr/lib/sendmail to a protected copy somewhere, crank up
\emacs on the "public" binary. Find the argv[0] comparison table
\(just search for "mailq") and replace the m with a null.

What if I invoked the program with argv[0] ""?
If you enjoyed the recent heat wave,  |Maarten Litmaath @ Free U Amsterdam:
you'll certainly like the ozone gap...|maart@cs.vu.nl, mcvax!botter!maart

hoffman@pitt.UUCP (Bob Hoffman) (07/30/88)

In article <185@chip.UUCP> mparker@chip.UUCP (M. D. Parker) writes:
>... I want to prevent users from
>examining the mailq using the /usr/ucb/mailq program

I believe it can be done by setting protections and group-IDs
carefully.  First of all, I think it's safe to assume that you
don't want any of your users executing /usr/lib/sendmail directly
for any reason.  Sendmail is normally invoked by the users' mail
agent, e.g. /bin/mail, /usr/ucb/Mail, etc.  I propose a way of
restricting execution of /usr/lib/sendmail without losing any
functionality for the users sending or receiving mail or for the
administration of the mail facility.

1.  Create a group in /etc/group called 'mail' that includes the
    system manager.


2.  Change the group ID and protection on /usr/lib/sendmail (and its
    links, newaliases and mailq) so that only group 'mail' can execute it:

	-rwsr-x---  2 root     mail       112640 Mar 27 15:33 /usr/lib/sendmail

3.  Change the group ID and set-GID bits on each mail user agent and any other
    program that might have need to call sendmail:

	-rwsr-sr-x  1 root     mail        41984 Dec 30  1987 /bin/mail
	-rwxr-sr-x  1 root     mail        14336 Jun  6  1986 /bin/rmail
	-rwxr-sr-x  1 root     mail       185344 Jun  7 13:08 /usr/local/bin/elm
	-rwxr-sr-x  2 root     mail        74752 Dec 31  1987 /usr/ucb/Mail

4.  Finally, make sure /usr/spool/mqueue is not world-readable:

	drwxrwx---  2 root     mail         2048 Jul 29 14:50 /usr/spool/mqueue/

I believe this will do as Mr. Parker asks.  Have I overlooked anything?

Bob Hoffman, N3CVL       {allegra, bellcore, cadre, idis, psuvax1}!pitt!hoffman
Pitt Computer Science    hoffman@vax.cs.pittsburgh.edu

jcs@tarkus.UUCP (John C. Sucilla) (07/30/88)

In article <185@chip.UUCP> mparker@chip.UUCP (M. D. Parker) writes:
>First try.  Make another copy of /usr/ucb/sendmail and call it /usr/ucb/mailq.
>Programs no longer have HARD LINKs and can be protected individually.
>Complication here, if a user creates a SYMBOLIC LINK to the program as:
>	ln -s /usr/lib/sendmail mailq

How about changing the mode to rwx--x--x (711) so they can't copy it
or create new links but can still execute it?  Or do these "symbolic links"
let you get around permissions?  I don't know, I know 0 about symbolic links
but I've got a sneaking suspicion it's part of BSD UNIX.

John "C". Sucilla,  A silicon based life form.
  You have a better idea? Now's the time..

lyndon@ncc.Nexus.CA (Lyndon Nerenberg) (07/31/88)

In article <1339@ark.cs.vu.nl> maart@cs.vu.nl (Maarten Litmaath) writes:
>In article <10358@ncc.Nexus.CA> lyndon@ncc.nexus.ca (Lyndon Nerenberg) writes:
>\Actually, you can disable mailq on a binary site. After moving the
>\original /usr/lib/sendmail to a protected copy somewhere, crank up
>\emacs on the "public" binary. Find the argv[0] comparison table
>\(just search for "mailq") and replace the m with a null.
>What if I invoked the program with argv[0] ""?

It defaults to "sendmail" mode.
VE6BBM   {alberta,pyramid,uunet}!ncc!lyndon  lyndon@Nexus.CA

mike@turing.unm.edu (Michael I. Bushnell) (08/03/88)

In article <3642@pitt.UUCP> hoffman@vax.cs.pittsburgh.edu (Bob Hoffman) writes:
>In article <185@chip.UUCP> mparker@chip.UUCP (M. D. Parker) writes:
>>... I want to prevent users from
>>examining the mailq using the /usr/ucb/mailq program

>I believe it can be done by setting protections and group-IDs
>carefully.  First of all, I think it's safe to assume that you
>don't want any of your users executing /usr/lib/sendmail directly
>for any reason.  Sendmail is normally invoked by the users' mail
>agent, e.g. /bin/mail, /usr/ucb/Mail, etc.  I propose a way of
>restricting execution of /usr/lib/sendmail without losing any
>functionality for the users sending or receiving mail or for the
>administration of the mail facility.

Oh, please, please don't inflict pain on your users like this.
What if I want to write my own mail agent?  Say I like emacs?  Then
I get emacs's mail agent, which calls sendmail.  Sendmail is intended
to usable by arbitrary bozos, who will usually want to use a nice
interface instead.  

Also, you can get some access to sendmail with "telnet localhost smtp",

                N u m q u a m   G l o r i a   D e o 

			Michael I. Bushnell
			HASA - "A" division

jbayer@ispi.UUCP (id for use with uunet/usenet) (08/03/88)

Another workable solution is to do the following steps:

	1.	Move the programs you want to restrict to a directory
		readable only by the super user.

	2.	Create a shell script for each type of call for each program

	3.	Make the shell script executable by everyone.

	4.	Make the owner of the shell script the super user

	5.	Set the user bit for the shell script (chmod u+s name)

Now no matter how someone calls the shell script the program will still
be called using the correct name.

Jonathan Bayer
Intelligent Software Products, inc.
19 Virginia Ave.
Rockville Centre, NY   11570

chris@mimsy.UUCP (Chris Torek) (08/04/88)

In article <153@ispi.UUCP> jbayer@ispi.UUCP writes:
>Another workable solution is ... [to:]
>Create a shell script ....
>Make the shell script executable by everyone.
>Make the owner of the shell script the super user
>Set the user bit for the shell script (chmod u+s name)

Setuid scripts are not available in vanilla System V.

Setuid shell scripts are a security hole in vanilla BSD.  If you have
not either made extensive kernel changes, or else installed the fix
from Berkeley that simply disables set-ID scripts, and you make a
setuid shell script (for either sh or csh), I can become that user on
your machine given access to any ordinary user account.  I am not
willing to publish the method here; I will say that disabling setuid
scripts in the kernel, or simply not creating them in the first place,
suffices to prevent this avenue of attack.
In-Real-Life: Chris Torek, Univ of MD Comp Sci Dept (+1 301 454 7163)
Domain:	chris@mimsy.umd.edu	Path:	uunet!mimsy!chris

egs@killer.DALLAS.TX.US (Eric Schnoebelen) (08/04/88)

In article <153@ispi.UUCP> jbayer@ispi.UUCP (id for use with uunet/usenet) 
>Another workable solution is to do the following steps:
>	1.	Move the programs you want to restrict to a directory
>			readable only by the super user.
>	2.	Create a shell script for each type of call for each program
>	3.	Make the shell script executable by everyone.
>	4.	Make the owner of the shell script the super user
>	5.	Set the user bit for the shell script (chmod u+s name)

 	Over in comp.unix.wizards they are having a nice little
discussion about setuid shell scripts, and several people have shown how
they are a larger security hole than the programs being discussed here.

	( see comp.unix.wizards for examples )

	A better choice for this solution might be to write small 'wrapper'
programs, and set the suid bit on them.

>Now no matter how someone calls the shell script the program will still
>be called using the correct name.
>Jonathan Bayer
>Intelligent Software Products, inc.
>19 Virginia Ave.
>Rockville Centre, NY   11570

	Eric Schnoebelen
	John W. Bridges & Associates, Inc.
	Lewisville, Tx.   75067

willy@philapd.UUCP (Willy Konijnenberg) (08/07/88)

In article <153@ispi.UUCP> jbayer@ispi.UUCP (id for use with uunet/usenet) writes:
>Another workable solution is to do the following steps:
>	4.	Make the owner of the shell script the super user
>	5.	Set the user bit for the shell script (chmod u+s name)

This works only if you have a shell that acknowledges the suid bit!
The Korn shell does that ONLY IF explicitly installed to do so,
the standard SV Bourne shell does NOT.
I don't know about the C-shell or any other shells.

If your shell does not handle the suid bit, you will have to write
a small front end in C to call the shell script.
This front end merely does an execvp of the shell script with it's argv.

BTW, You could have the shell script check it's arg0 to determine the
action to be taken, and use links to make all "sensitive" commands end
up in this single shell script.  (Weren't links the original problem? :-)
Willy Konijnenberg			<willy@idca.tds.philips.nl>
Philips Telecommunication & Data Systems, Department SSP/V2.
Apeldoorn, The Netherlands.