[comp.bugs.misc] Vi bug

leo@philmds.UUCP (Leo de Wit) (04/12/89)

Maybe someone has been bitten by this one before, but anyway, here it
goes (reproducable at least both on Ultrix 2.x and SUNOS 3.5):

Create a file with at least one line that wraps (depending on your
terminal / window, probably a line of over 80 chars).

Now type '/' (search) followed by windowsize+1 dots (so probably 81).

Surprise! You probably get a corrupted display (even ^L won't help). By
pressing 'n' a few times I managed to get an internal vi error (it goes
back to ex mode). If it matters: my wrapmargin is set to 0.

If you'd be interested why one might want to use such a search pattern:
it was for searching long lines 8-).


mike@nixba.UUCP (Mike Lyons) (04/14/89)

In article <1001@philmds.UUCP>, leo@philmds.UUCP (Leo de Wit) writes:
> Maybe someone has been bitten by this one before, but anyway, here it
> goes (reproducable at least both on Ultrix 2.x and SUNOS 3.5):
I couldn't reproduce this on a Nixdorf TARGON/31 (SYSV.3)

Michael D. Lyons 		phone: +49 911 6415 609
Nixdorf Computer AG 		fax:   +49 911 6415 105
D-8500 Nuernberg 60 		e-mail: mike@nixba.uucp
Federal Republic of Germany

denny@mcmi.UUCP (Denny Page) (04/17/89)

leo@philmds.UUCP (Leo de Wit) writes:
>Surprise! You probably get a corrupted display (even ^L won't help).

I have duplicated this on a 3B2/600 running 3.1.1, which means that
it's probably in most sysV systems.

Note that I had to hit ctl-L before it lost it's cookies.
Someday never comes

greim@sbsvax.UUCP (Michael Greim) (04/17/89)

In article <1001@philmds.UUCP>, leo@philmds.UUCP (Leo de Wit) writes:
< Maybe someone has been bitten by this one before, but anyway, here it
< goes (reproducable at least both on Ultrix 2.x and SUNOS 3.5):
< Create a file with at least one line that wraps (depending on your
< terminal / window, probably a line of over 80 chars).
< Now type '/' (search) followed by windowsize+1 dots (so probably 81).
< Surprise! You probably get a corrupted display (even ^L won't help). By
< pressing 'n' a few times I managed to get an internal vi error (it goes
< back to ex mode). If it matters: my wrapmargin is set to 0.
< 	 Leo.

It is a bug. I had it on 4.3BSD, SUN OS and Ultrix.
I will try to find the bug. As I do this in my sparetime it may take some
days. It may also be one of those bugs, for which you must rewrite large
parts of vi.
Watch this space.

email : greim@sbsvax.informatik.uni-saarland.dbp.de
  (some mailers might not like this. Then use greim@sbsvax.uucp)
  or  : ...!uunet!unido!sbsvax!greim
# include <disclaimers/std.h>

kucharsk@uts.amdahl.com (William Kucharski) (04/19/89)

In article <722@sbsvax.UUCP> greim@sbsvax.UUCP (Michael Greim) writes:
 >In article <1001@philmds.UUCP>, leo@philmds.UUCP (Leo de Wit) writes:
 >< Create a file with at least one line that wraps (depending on your
 >< terminal / window, probably a line of over 80 chars).
 >< Now type '/' (search) followed by windowsize+1 dots (so probably 81).
 >< Surprise! You probably get a corrupted display (even ^L won't help). By
 >< pressing 'n' a few times I managed to get an internal vi error (it goes
 >< back to ex mode). If it matters: my wrapmargin is set to 0.
 >< 	 Leo.
 >It is a bug. I had it on 4.3BSD, SUN OS and Ultrix.

It is NOT present in Amdahl UTS, at least not in UTS 2.0 (I don't have an older
version around to check.)

As a side note, it IS still present in SunOS 4.0.

					William Kucharski

ARPA: kucharsk@uts.amdahl.com
UUCP: ...!{ames,decwrl,sun,uunet}!amdahl!kucharsk

Disclaimer:  The opinions expressed above are my own, and may not agree with
	     those of any other sentient being, not to mention those of my 
	     employer.  So there.

fawcett@steven.COM (fawcett) (04/21/89)

In article <1aEbQ97kCJ1010nFS0o@amdahl.uts.amdahl.com>, kucharsk@uts.amdahl.com (William Kucharski) writes:
> In article <722@sbsvax.UUCP> greim@sbsvax.UUCP (Michael Greim) writes:
>  >In article <1001@philmds.UUCP>, leo@philmds.UUCP (Leo de Wit) writes:
>  >< Create a file with at least one line that wraps (depending on your
>  >< terminal / window, probably a line of over 80 chars).
>  >< 
>  >< Now type '/' (search) followed by windowsize+1 dots (so probably 81).
>  >< 
>  >It is a bug. I had it on 4.3BSD, SUN OS and Ultrix.
> As a side note, it IS still present in SunOS 4.0.
Funny.  I have a Sun 3/110 running SunOS 4.0.1 and I had no problems.  If I
put in fewer dots than there were in the wrapped-around line, I got the
next line.  If I put in more that were on any line, I got "pattern not
found".  Have you got a :set variable set??

John W. Fawcett             -----   -----   -----    -----    -----    ------
Software Engineer          /          /    /        /    /   /    /   /     /
Sierra Geophysics, Inc .   -----     /    /---     /-----   /-----   /-----/
P.O. Box 3886                  /    /    /        /   \    /  \     /     /
Seattle, Wa.  98124      -----   -----   -----   /     \  /    \   /     /

Voice: (206) 822-5200    uucp: ..!uw-beaver!sumax!quick!ole!steven!fawcett