[comp.bugs.misc] Cheq font Example file incorrect

jtkohl@lycus.MIT.EDU (John T Kohl) (07/14/89)

The 'Example' in the Cheq font recently posted in comp.sources.misc uses
the wrong character code in attempting to print a white knight on a
black backround (the one there is off by ten).

*** Example.~1~	Thu Jul 13 16:39:50 1989
--- Example	Thu Jul 13 16:59:40 1989
*** 73,79 ****
  (/ x x x x\\) 72 564 T
  (/x x \317kx \\) 72 534 T
  (/p\271p\271p\271p\271\\) 72 504 T
! (/\250n\272q\373b\277r\\) 72 474 T
  ( --------) 72 444 T
--- 73,79 ----
  (/ x x x x\\) 72 564 T
  (/x x \317kx \\) 72 534 T
  (/p\271p\271p\271p\271\\) 72 504 T
! (/\250n\272q\373b\265r\\) 72 474 T
  ( --------) 72 444 T
John Kohl <jtkohl@ATHENA.MIT.EDU> or <jtkohl@Kolvir.Brookline.MA.US>
Digital Equipment Corporation/Project Athena
(The above opinions are MINE.  Don't put my words in somebody else's mouth!)