[comp.bugs.misc] Bug in CMU snmp 1.0 + fix

lindberg@cs.chalmers.se (Gunnar Lindberg) (11/28/89)

I picked up snmp 1.0 from CMU (pub/cmu-snmp1.0.tar.Z, Oct 24 18:13)
not long ago and I think I've actually found a bug in it. If I tried
things like

    snmpget ... ip.ipRoutingTable.ipRouteEntry.ipRouteNextHop.

it would dump core before it actually got to sending out the question.

It seems like routine "parse_subtree()" in "snmplib/mib.c" tried to use
a NULL pointer when it looked up the "" part of the string.
Now, I don't know much about ASN.1 so my fix might be doing the wrong
thing, but things seems to work reasonably well with it.

	Gunnar Lindberg

RCS file: mib.c,v
retrieving revision 1.2
diff -c -r1.2 mib.c
*** /tmp/,RCSt1a26347	Tue Nov 28 15:53:25 1989
--- mib.c	Mon Nov 27 13:47:47 1989
*** 620,625
      if (*input != '.')
  	return (1);
      if ((*out_len =
  	 parse_subtree(tp->child_list, ++input, output, out_len)) == 0)
  	return (0);

--- 620,627 -----
      if (*input != '.')
  	return (1);
+     if (tp)
+ 	tp = tp->child_list;
      if ((*out_len =
  	 parse_subtree(tp, ++input, output, out_len)) == 0)
  	return (0);
*** 621,627
      if (*input != '.')
  	return (1);
      if ((*out_len =
! 	 parse_subtree(tp->child_list, ++input, output, out_len)) == 0)
  	return (0);
      return (++*out_len);

--- 623,629 -----
      if (tp)
  	tp = tp->child_list;
      if ((*out_len =
! 	 parse_subtree(tp, ++input, output, out_len)) == 0)
  	return (0);
      return (++*out_len);