[comp.bugs.misc] 24th line / 80th column problem with curses

pen@formtek.UUCP (Philip E. Nickerson, Jr.) (01/05/90)

I am having difficulty in using curses and would appreciate some help,
if anybody can help.

Please E-MAIL me if you have the answer as I rarely get time to read
news.  If you too would like to receive any replies I get, please let
me know.  If it is interestingly difficult, rather than my own
stupidity, I'll post the answer later.

Here is the problem:

I have a 24x80 screen and would like to put a character in the last
column on the last line without the terminal scrolling.  The terminal
I have has auto-margins, which seems to force the scroll on refresh,
no matter what I do.  I have created curses windows with no scrolling,
which return an error and do not place anything in the that position,
and I have tried to fool the termcap file into thinking that my
terminal does not have auto-margins, which causes curses to add an
extra scroll line at the end.  All I simply want is a stationary
non-scrolling screen in which I can address all 24x80 chaaracter

Thank you all in advance for your help.
Philip E. Nickerson,Jr.	  |UUCP   {pitt,psuvax1}!idis!formtek!pen
(412)937-4900|(800)FORMTEK|	  decvax!formtek!pen
"Programming is simply	  |Snail  Formative Technologies, Inc., Foster Plaza VII
 debugging a blank page!" |	  661 Andersen Dr., Pittsburgh PA  15220

unccab@calico.med.unc.edu (Charles Balan) (01/12/90)

In article <1225@ruby.UUCP> pen@formtek.UUCP (Philip E. Nickerson, Jr.) writes:
>I am having difficulty in using curses and would appreciate some help,
>if anybody can help.
 Well, my mother always told me that she would wash out my mouth with soap
 if I ever cursed!  I would advise you to post your question to a

 :-) (of course, ^#$%&^#%$* is always the old standby)

                            Charles Balan
UNCCAB@med.unc.edu   ,    UNCCAB@uncmed.uucp    ,   UNCCAB@unc.bitnet
%%%%%%%%%%%%%  A Witty Saying Proves Nothing - Voltaire  %%%%%%%%%%%%