[comp.bugs.misc] uurec

fkk@stasys.sta.sub.org (Frank Kaefer) (11/12/90)

Dear Readers,

I have a problem with bnews's "uurec" command. Every article that
is piped to "uurec" (these articles were sent using sendnews) fails
with the error (in news/lib/errlog):

Nov 11 21:29	Unknown	inews: Cannot get user's name

Any pointers, fixes, diffs etc. appreciated.

Thanks a lot for every help in advance !

| Frank Kaefer | fkk@stasys.sta.sub.org | Starnberg, Germany |
| Compuserve: 72427,2101   | Internet: fkk@Germany.Sun.COM   |
| unido!sunde!fkaefer      |    postmaster@Germany.Sun.COM   |
|          THE POWER OF SUN (Scott McNealy)                  |