[comp.bugs.misc] Bug tracking system sought

dionj@sco.COM (Dion L. Johnson) (02/22/91)

At SCO we have some internal tools we use to track bugs,
(Yes, we really do.  Stop laughing.)  but we are interested in
knowing what other folks are finding useful out there.

I know of Bug Management System, from Aurum Software.  Are there
others we should consider?   Comments welcome.

We seek something simple that would not be a huge task to install and
integrate with existing CASE facilities.

Dion L. Johnson
SCO Developer Relations Technical Mgr   400 Encinal St.   Santa Cruz, CA 95061
Bangpath:             ...{decvax!microsof, ucbvax!ucscc, sun, uunet}!sco!dionj
Domain style:  dionj@sco.com    FAX: 408-458-4227     Telephone:  408-425-7222

adt@socrates.technix.oz.au (Andrew Tune) (02/25/91)

In article <14774@scorn.sco.COM> dionj@sco.COM (Dion L. Johnson) writes:
> I know of Bug Management System, from Aurum Software.  Are there
> others we should consider?   Comments welcome.

Qualtrak Corp in San Jose.  408 274 8867.  We're not users of their
products at this point in time, so we can't recommend them.  But they
are responsive to enquiries, and give the impression that they know
what they're talking about.

TechNIX Consulting Services Pty Ltd     37 Harold St, East Hawthorn, 3123
Domain: adt@technix.oz.au		Australia   Phone: +61 3 813 2130
ACSnet: adt@technix.oz				    Fax:   +61 3 882 7104
TechNIX Consulting Services Pty Ltd     37 Harold St, East Hawthorn, 3123
Domain: adt@technix.oz.au		Australia   Phone: +61 3 813 2130
ACSnet: adt@technix.oz				    Fax:   +61 3 882 7104

hansen@pegasus.att.com (Tony L. Hansen) (02/27/91)

In article <14774@scorn.sco.COM> dionj@sco.COM (Dion L. Johnson) writes:
> I know of Bug Management System, from Aurum Software.  Are there
> others we should consider?   Comments welcome.

AT&T is licensing Sablime (formally known as "Sable") externally. I know it
is used by a number of companies, as well as extensively internally. It is a
system which not only manages the tracking of bugs, but also does source,
hardware and documentation management. I think the usual 1-800-828-UNIX
number can be used to get more information on the product. (If not, send me
mail and I'll try to get further contact information.)

					Tony Hansen
			    hansen@pegasus.att.com, tony@attmail.com
				att!pegasus!hansen, attmail!tony

alan@tivoli.UUCP (Alan R. Weiss) (02/27/91)

In article <ADT.91Feb25113021@socrates.technix.oz.au> adt@socrates.technix.oz.au (Andrew Tune) writes:
>In article <14774@scorn.sco.COM> dionj@sco.COM (Dion L. Johnson) writes:
>> I know of Bug Management System, from Aurum Software.  Are there
>> others we should consider?   Comments welcome.
>Qualtrak Corp in San Jose.  408 274 8867.  We're not users of their
>products at this point in time, so we can't recommend them.  But they
>are responsive to enquiries, and give the impression that they know
>what they're talking about.

Another is called NO PROBLEM!, from Pencom Software (yeah, a division
of Pencom Recruiting).  We are a Beta Test Site for NO PROBLEM!, as I
understand it the product will retail for *far* less than QualTrak's.

When I asked to have QualTrak's license for its demo (that's right, they
make you sign a *very* restrictive license for their *demo*), they said
that they would look into it.  They never managed to get back with me.
That's when I found out about NO PROBLEM!.

Pencom Software is located in Austin (convenient for me), at 512-343-1111
Ask for Christine, and mention my name.

(No, I don't get a finder's fee or a commission :-)

Alan R. Weiss                           TIVOLI Systems, Inc.
E-mail: alan@tivoli.com                 6034 West Courtyard Drive,
E-mail: alan@whitney.tivoli.com         Suite 210
Voice : (512) 794-9070                  Austin, Texas USA  78730
Fax   : (512) 794-0623