[comp.bugs.misc] Bug Tracking systems - summary

dionj@sco.COM (Dion L. Johnson) (03/19/91)

A while back, I posted a request for info on bug tracking systems.  There were
a few leads, which are listed here below. -Dion L. Johnson   dionj@sco.com

This information is unverified, and there is no implied endorsement or other
formal comment from The Santa Cruz Operation, Inc.
I found Bug Management System in the 1991 SCO Directory.  They sent some
info which is summarized thus:  (Also they have Customer Management System)

Tracks bugs, database/search capabilities, history, online service bulletins,
Written in Accel, runs on many platforms
Has server/client architecture, and GUI on Motif and OpenLook
Package comes with source code, and price includes some customization
Ongoing customization and support agreement available

Aurum Software
2163 Woodleaf Way
Mt. View, CA 94040
FAX 415-968-0518

hansen@pegasus.att.com (Tony L. Hansen):
> AT&T is licensing Sablime (formally known as "Sable") externally. I know it
> is used by a number of companies, as well as extensively internally. It is a
> system which not only manages the tracking of bugs, but also does source,
> hardware and documentation management. I think the usual 1-800-828-UNIX
> number can be used to get more information on the product. (If not, send me
> mail and I'll try to get further contact information.)
> 					Tony Hansen
> 			    hansen@pegasus.att.com, tony@attmail.com
> 				att!pegasus!hansen, attmail!tony
alan@tivoli.UUCP (Alan R. Weiss):
> In article <ADT.91Feb25113021@socrates.technix.oz.au> adt@socrates.technix.oz.au (Andrew Tune) writes:
>>In article <14774@scorn.sco.COM> dionj@sco.COM (Dion L. Johnson) writes:
>>> I know of Bug Management System, from Aurum Software.  Are there
>>> others we should consider?   Comments welcome.
>>Qualtrak Corp in San Jose.  408 274 8867.  We're not users of their
>>products at this point in time, so we can't recommend them.  But they
>>are responsive to enquiries, and give the impression that they know
>>what they're talking about.
> Another is called NO PROBLEM!, from Pencom Software (yeah, a division
> of Pencom Recruiting).  We are a Beta Test Site for NO PROBLEM!, as I
> understand it the product will retail for *far* less than QualTrak's.
> When I asked to have QualTrak's license for its demo (that's right, they
> make you sign a *very* restrictive license for their *demo*), they said
> that they would look into it.  They never managed to get back with me.
> That's when I found out about NO PROBLEM!.
> Pencom Software is located in Austin (convenient for me), at 512-343-1111
> Ask for Christine, and mention my name.
> (No, I don't get a finder's fee or a commission :-)
> _____________________________________________________________________
> Alan R. Weiss                           TIVOLI Systems, Inc.
> E-mail: alan@tivoli.com                 6034 West Courtyard Drive,
> E-mail: alan@whitney.tivoli.com         Suite 210
> Voice : (512) 794-9070                  Austin, Texas USA  78730
> Fax   : (512) 794-0623
[Syd tells me that he has done some work in this area, but the code
and product is not owned by him.  
It was written in Unify Accell/IDS.  Since I do not know the availability
of the code from the owner, I am listing Syd's name here and suggesting
that you either contact him privately, or post a request for him to
let us know the status publicly. -Dion]
Sydney S. Weinstein, CDP, CCP                   Elm Coordinator
Datacomp Systems, Inc.                          Voice: (215) 947-9900
syd@DSI.COM or dsinc!syd                        FAX:   (215) 938-0235
amk@mel.cocam.oz.au (Adam Krebet, R & D, 425, 560 6685):
Subject: Co-Cam Service Request Register

We built a package to track bugs which could be used by each of our
internal product groups. It is 100% portable between DOS, XENIX, SCO UNIX,

The package is configurable so you can change it to suit your requirements
without coming back to us for program changes. Examples of what can be
configured are printers, database names, response types, screen layout,
field details, table look-up, codes and user security and capability.

It has a built-in query system so you can analyse and report on your
bugs very easily. The standard reports include Known Problem Report to
list outstanding bugs and enhancement requests, Releases Notes to list
all service requests (i.e. bugs) that have been resolved as of a
particular release, and Client Response Letters to acknowledge receipt
of a service request.

The user interface is character based with pull-down/pop-up menus, windowing
and the like. It operates the same across all suported terminals, though the
appearance varies with terminal capabilities.

Installation is simple and the system is space and resource efficient.

For further documentation, sample output and screen displays etc. please
contact us.
Adam Krebet                 |        amk@rand.mel.cocam.oz.au
Co-Cam Computer Group       | FAX:   (03) 412-7857
Melbourne, Australia        | Phone: (03) 412-3456