[comp.bugs.4bsd] Bug in lpd

reading@utah-cs.UUCP (Dan L. Reading) (01/22/87)

There is a bug in lpd such that if you increase the 'pw' entry in
printcap to > 132, lpd will core dump when it tries to print the
banner page and the name of the file is longer then 10 chars.
This is because the size of the internal buffer used while printing
the block chars is set by LINELEN, but the amount to put into the
is set by PW.

A fix would be to change the routine scan_out() in
~/usr.lib/lpr/printjob.c, to use "PW" to set the internal buffer size
instead of using the #define LINELEN.  Since LINELEN is only used in
this one case it can be deleted from the .h file.


RCS file: RCS/printjob.c,v
retrieving revision 3.7
diff -c -r3.7 printjob.c
*** /tmp/,RCSt1005890	Thu Jan 22 10:07:45 1987
--- printjob.c	Thu Jan 22 09:34:00 1987
*** 975,986 ****
  	register char *strp;
  	register nchrs, j;
! 	char outbuf[LINELEN+1], *sp, c, cc;
  	int d, scnhgt;
  	extern char scnkey[][HEIGHT];	/* in lpdchar.c */
  	for (scnhgt = 0; scnhgt++ < HEIGHT+DROP; ) {
! 		strp = &outbuf[0];
  		sp = scsp;
  		for (nchrs = 0; ; ) {
  			d = dropit(c = TRC(cc = *sp++));
--- 975,988 ----
  	register char *strp;
  	register nchrs, j;
! 	char *outbuf, *sp, c, cc;
  	int d, scnhgt;
  	extern char scnkey[][HEIGHT];	/* in lpdchar.c */
+ 	outbuf = malloc(PW+1);
  	for (scnhgt = 0; scnhgt++ < HEIGHT+DROP; ) {
! 		strp = outbuf;
  		sp = scsp;
  		for (nchrs = 0; ; ) {
  			d = dropit(c = TRC(cc = *sp++));
*** 1000,1005 ****
--- 1002,1008 ----
  		*strp++ = '\n';	
  		(void) write(scfd, outbuf, strp-outbuf);
+ 	free(outbuf);


RCS file: RCS/lp.local.h,v
retrieving revision 1.2
diff -c -r1.2 lp.local.h
*** /tmp/,RCSt1005906	Thu Jan 22 10:08:08 1987
--- lp.local.h	Thu Jan 22 09:36:45 1987
*** 53,62 ****
  #define FILMOD		0660
!  * Printer is assumed to support LINELEN (for block chars)
!  *   and background character (blank) is a space
- #define LINELEN		132
  #define BACKGND		' '
  #define HEIGHT	9		/* height of characters */
--- 53,60 ----
  #define FILMOD		0660
!  *  Background character (blank) (for block chars) is a space
  #define BACKGND		' '
  #define HEIGHT	9		/* height of characters */
