[comp.bugs.4bsd] 4.3BSD sed bug - only allows 9 w files

dce@mips.UUCP (04/10/87)

Index:	bin/sed 4.3BSD

	The manual page for sed says that up to 10 distinct files
	may be given with 'w' commands, but only 9 are actually

	Put the following in the file 'sf':
		1,3w ff1
		2,5w ff2
		3,7w ff3
		4,9w ff4
		5,11w ff5
		6,13w ff6
		7,15w ff7
		8,17w ff8
		9,19w ff9
		10,21w ff10

	and execute the command

		sed -f sf /etc/passwd > /dev/null

	The result is that files ff1-ff9 are created as expected, but
	ff10 is not, and the message

		Too many files in w commands

	is printed.

	This also shows up when rn is run the first time by a new user.

	The fix is to change the test of number of files from >= to >.
	The following patch does this. I defined the constant MAXFILES
	to be used instead of 10 and 12 (so if you want to increase
	the number of files, it takes only 1 change).
	Also, the filenames were being kept in 40 byte arrays. This is
	enough for general use, but they should still allow for
	MAXPATHLEN characters. Of course, changing 40 to MAXPATHLEN
	would result in 11Kbytes of space being taken up for something
	that isn't used a lot (and 1K of that is never used). So, to
	avoid wasted space, I changed the code to malloc() the strings
	as needed.

	Apply the following patch to get all of these fixes:

*** sed.h.orig	Wed Apr  8 16:00:41 1987
--- sed.h	Fri Apr 10 13:36:17 1987
*** 30,35 ****
--- 30,37 ----
  #define	LABSIZE	50
  #define NBRA	9
+ #define MAXFILES	10	/* Max number of files for w commands */
  FILE	*fin;
  union reptr	*abuf[ABUFSIZE];
  union reptr **aptr;
*** 64,71 ****
  char	*braslist[NBRA];
  long	tlno[NLINES];
  int	nlno;
! char	fname[12][40];
! FILE	*fcode[12];
  int	nfiles;
  #define ACOM	01
--- 66,73 ----
  char	*braslist[NBRA];
  long	tlno[NLINES];
  int	nlno;
! char	*fname[MAXFILES + 1];
! FILE	*fcode[MAXFILES + 1];
  int	nfiles;
  #define ACOM	01
*** sed0.c.orig	Fri Apr 10 14:18:56 1987
--- sed0.c	Fri Apr 10 14:03:25 1987
*** 1,8 ****
--- 1,11 ----
  /*	sed0.c	4.2	85/06/19	*/
  #include <stdio.h>
+ #include <sys/param.h>
  #include "sed.h"
+ static char *newstr();
  struct label	*labtab = ltab;
  char	CGMES[]	= "command garbled: %s\n";
  char	TMMES[]	= "Too much text: %s\n";
*** 122,127 ****
--- 125,131 ----
  	union reptr	*pt, *pt1;
  	int	i;
  	struct label	*lpt;
+ 	char tempbuf[MAXPATHLEN + 1];
  	compfl = 1;
  	op = lastre;
*** 483,496 ****
  						fprintf(stderr, CGMES, linebuf);
! 					if(nfiles >= 10) {
  						fprintf(stderr, "Too many files in w commands\n");
! 					text(fname[nfiles]);
  					for(i = nfiles - 1; i >= 0; i--)
! 						if(cmp(fname[nfiles],fname[i]) == 0) {
  							rep->fcode = fcode[i];
  							goto done;
--- 487,501 ----
  						fprintf(stderr, CGMES, linebuf);
! 					if(nfiles > MAXFILES) {
  						fprintf(stderr, "Too many files in w commands\n");
! 					text(tempbuf);
! 					fname[nfiles] = newstr(tempbuf);
  					for(i = nfiles - 1; i >= 0; i--)
! 						if(fname[i] && cmp(fname[nfiles],fname[i]) == 0) {
  							rep->fcode = fcode[i];
  							goto done;
*** 508,521 ****
  					fprintf(stderr, CGMES, linebuf);
! 				if(nfiles >= 10){
  					fprintf(stderr, "Too many files in w commands\n");
! 				text(fname[nfiles]);
  				for(i = nfiles - 1; i >= 0; i--)
! 					if(cmp(fname[nfiles], fname[i]) == 0) {
  						rep->fcode = fcode[i];
  						goto done;
--- 513,527 ----
  					fprintf(stderr, CGMES, linebuf);
! 				if(nfiles > MAXFILES){
  					fprintf(stderr, "Too many files in w commands\n");
! 				text(tempbuf);
! 				fname[nfiles] = newstr(tempbuf);
  				for(i = nfiles - 1; i >= 0; i--)
! 					if(fname[i] && cmp(fname[nfiles], fname[i]) == 0) {
  						rep->fcode = fcode[i];
  						goto done;
*** 973,976 ****
--- 979,1008 ----
  			ep[c] = c;
  	return(ep + 0200);
+ }
+ /*
+  * The subroutine newstr() takes a string and returns a pointer to
+  * a new copy of the string. This pointer points to malloc'ed space.
+  */
+ static char *
+ newstr(str)
+ 	char *str;
+ {
+ 	register int len;	/* length of string including null */
+ 	register char *new;	/* new string */
+ 	len = strlen(str) + 1;
+ 	new = (char *) malloc(len);
+ 	if (new == NULL) {
+ 		fprintf(stderr, "Out of memory.\n");
+ 		exit(2);
+ 	}
+ 	bcopy(str, new, len);
+ 	return new;
David Elliott		{decvax,ucbvax,ihnp4}!decwrl!mips!dce