[comp.bugs.4bsd] lint bug fix needed

pase@ogcvax.UUCP (Douglas M. Pase) (07/31/87)

I have been having a problem with lint, and I would like to know if there is
a "fix" for it.  The problem, briefly, is that lint fails to notice that the
argument to the function bis_empty (line 21) is of a different type than its
formal parameter (line 26).  However, if any one of lines 3, 4, 8, 9, 10, or
11 are deleted, it does recognize the inconsistency as it should.

I have included a script file which illustrates what I discribe.   `lint1.c'
shows the bug, `lint2.c' shows the correct behavior.

Please send me your responses via e-mail as I don't usually follow either of
these groups - (...ucbvax!tektronix!ogcvax!pase  or  pase@Oregon-Grad.csnet)

Script started on Thu Jul 30 16:31:30 1987
[101] num lint1.c
     1	struct s_bstack {
     2		int top;
     3		int limit;
     4		long block[1];
     5	};
     7	struct s_symtab {
     8		short node;
     9		short task;
    10		short offset;
    11		struct s_predicate *p;
    12	};
    14	struct s_strategy {
    15		struct s_symtab symlist[16];
    16	};
    18	bind_unif_mgu(eval)
    19	struct s_strategy *eval;
    20	{
    21		if (! bis_empty(eval->symlist))
    22			;
    23	}
    25	bis_empty(stack)
    26	struct s_bstack *stack;
    27	{
    28		return(stack->top <= 0);
    29	}
[102] lint lint1.c
bind_unif_mgu defined( lint1.c(20) ), but never used
[103] num lint2.c
     1	struct s_bstack {
     2		int top;
     3		int limit;
     4	};
     6	struct s_symtab {
     7		short node;
     8		short task;
     9		short offset;
    10		struct s_predicate *p;
    11	};
    13	struct s_strategy {
    14		struct s_symtab symlist[16];
    15	};
    17	bind_unif_mgu(eval)
    18	struct s_strategy *eval;
    19	{
    20		if (! bis_empty(eval->symlist))
    21			;
    22	}
    24	bis_empty(stack)
    25	struct s_bstack *stack;
    26	{
    27		return(stack->top <= 0);
    28	}
[104] lint lint2.c
bis_empty, arg. 1 used inconsistently	lint2.c(26)  ::  lint2.c(20)
bind_unif_mgu defined( lint2.c(19) ), but never used
[105] diff lint1.c lint2.c
< 	long block[1];
[106] exit
script done on Thu Jul 30 16:33:58 1987

Thank you for any help you can give me.
Doug Pase   --   ...ucbvax!tektronix!ogcvax!pase  or  pase@Oregon-Grad.csnet

pase@ogcvax.UUCP (Douglas M. Pase) (08/01/87)

I have been able to trace this down further by following the hunch of a
colleague.  It seems the problem is that lint considers structures of the
same size to be the same structures, even when they are not.

In the example below, I experimented with several different sizes for the
structures `s_bstack' and `s_symtab', and lint proclaimed the argument usage
to be inconsistent whenever the sizes were different.  It failed to mention any
inconsistency whenever the sizes were the same, even when it was because of
padding in the field allocation to allign pointers (doubles, floats, whatever)
on certain boundaries (e.g. allocating 4 bytes for a `short').

Question:  Is this considered a "bug" or a "feature"?  If it's a bug, is there
a fix?  If it's a "feature", someone should be shot!

Script started on Fri Jul 31 17:15:13 1987
[101] num lint4.c
     1  struct s_bstack {
     2          char top;
     3  };
     5  struct s_symtab {
     6          char node;
     7  };
     9  bind_unif_mgu(eval)
    10  struct s_symtab *eval;
    11  {
    12          if (! bis_empty(eval))
    13                  ;
    14  }
    16  bis_empty(stack)
    17  struct s_bstack *stack;
    18  {
    19          return(stack->top <= 0);
    20  }
[102] lint lint4.c
bind_unif_mgu defined( lint4.c(11) ), but never used
[103] exit
script done on Fri Jul 31 17:17:17 1987

Doug Pase   --   ...ucbvax!tektronix!ogcvax!pase  or  pase@Oregon-Grad.csnet