[comp.bugs.4bsd] Bug in Sun compiler...

siegel@hc.DSPO.GOV (Josh Siegel) (11/25/87)

struct {
        int a,b,c;

The above program causes Suns compiler to generate code that 
has a Segmentation fault upon exiting.

The reason being that Sun don't check to see if you specificly 
returned a structure.  The register d0 is null and it offsets 
through it.

        link    a6,#0
        movl    d0,a0
        movl    #L14,a1
        movl    a0@+,a1@+
        movl    a0@+,a1@+
        movl    a0@+,a1@+
        movl    #L14,d0
        unlk    a6

Vax and GNU do this correctly...

			--Josh Siegel
Josh Siegel		(siegel@hc.dspo.gov)
  Friends don't let Friends eat Cherng
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