kutz@bgsuvax.UUCP (Kenneth J. Kutz) (12/09/88)
Description: 'lpq' displays conflicting messages if the print daemon is down. Repeat By: 1. /etc/lpc stop queue_name (stop a print queue) 2. lpq -Pqueue_name (display the newly stopped queue) Systems: 4.3 BSD, Mt. Xinu BSD 4.3 + Sun NFS (edu) Version: /usr/src/usr.lib/lpr/displayq.c displayq.c 5.1 (Berkeley) 6/6/85 or earlier. Fix: *** displayq.c.old Thu Dec 8 15:32:50 1988 --- displayq.c Thu Dec 8 16:59:59 1988 *************** *** 157,164 **** if (fd >= 0) { (void) flock(fd, LOCK_SH); while ((i = read(fd, line, sizeof(line))) > 0) (void) fwrite(line, 1, i, stdout); ! (void) close(fd); /* unlocks as well */ } else putchar('\n'); } --- 157,167 ---- if (fd >= 0) { (void) flock(fd, LOCK_SH); while ((i = read(fd, line, sizeof(line))) > 0) + if (strncmp(line, strcat(printer," is ready and printing"), 24) != 0) (void) fwrite(line, 1, i, stdout); ! else ! putchar('\n'); ! (void) close(fd); /* unlocks as well */ } else putchar('\n'); } -- -------------------------------------------------------------------- Kenneth J. Kutz kutz@andy.bgsu.edu <OR> ...!osu-cis!bgsuvax!kutz --------------------------------------------------------------------