harnad@mind.UUCP (Stevan Harnad) (12/19/86)
I would like to issue a challenge to connectionists. Connectionist (C) approaches are receiving a great deal of attention lately, and many ambitious claims and expectations have been voiced. It is not clear, on the existing evidence, what the null hypothesis is or ought to be, and what would be needed to reject it. Let me propose one: H-0: Connectionist approaches will fail to have the power to capture the capacities of the mind because they will turn out to be subject to higher-order versions of the same limitations that eliminated Perceptrons from contention. It would seem that in order to reject H-0, meeting one or the other of the following criteria will be necessary: (i) Prove formally that not only is C not subject to perceptron-like constraints, but that it does have the power to generate mental capacity. This first criterion is currently rather vague, since there is no well-defined formal problem that is known to be equivalent to mental capacity (in the way the traveling salesman problem is known to be equivalent to many important computational problems). The conceptual and evidential burden, however, is on those who are making positive claims. (ii) Demonstrate C's power to generate mental capacity empirically by generating human performance capacity or a significant portion of it. The second criterion also suffers from some vagueness because there seems to be no formal, empirical or practical basis for determining when (if ever) a performance domain ceases to be a "toy" problem (like chess playing, circumscribed question-answering and object-manipulation, etc.) and becomes life-size -- apart from the Total Turing Test, which some regard as too demanding. It is also unknown whether there exists any natural (or formally partitionable) subtotal performance "module." Again, however, the conceptual and evidential burden would seem to be on those who are making positive claims. To summarize, my challenge to connectionists is that they either provide (1) formal proof or (ii) empirical evidence for their claims about the present or future capacity of C to model human performance or its underlying function. Conspicuously absent from the above is any mention of the brain. The brain is a red herring at this stage of investigation. Experimental neuroscientists have only the vaguest ideas about how the brain functions. They, like all other experimental scientists, must look to theory not only for hypotheses about function, but for guidance as to what to look for. There is no reason to believe, for example, that the functional level "where the action is" in the brain is anything remotely similar to our naive and simplistic picture consisting of neurons, action potentials, and their connections. It may, for example, be at the subthreshold level of graded postsynaptic potentials, or at a biochemical level, or at no level so far ascertained or even conceptualized. At this point, taking it to be to C's credit that it is "brain-like" amounts to the blind leading the blind. Indeed, I would recommend a "modularization" between the efforts of those who test C as a neural modal and those who test it as a performance model. The former should restrict themselves to accounting for the data from experimental neuroscience and the latter should restrict themselves to accounting for performance data, with neither claiming the other's successes as bearing on the validity of their own efforts. Otherwise, shortcomings in C's performance capacity will be overlooked or rationalized on the grounds of brain verisimilitude and shortcomings in C's brain-modeling will be overlooked or rationalized on the grounds of its cognitive capacity. Finally, lest it be thought that AI (symbolic modeling) gets off scot-free in these considerations: AI is and should be subject to the same two criteria. "Turing power" is no better a prima facie basis for claiming to be capturing mental power in AI than "brain-likeness" is in connectionism. Indeed, C has the slight advantage that it is at least a class of algorithms rather than just a computational architecture. Hence it has some hope of showing that, what (if anything) it can ultimately do, it does by the same general means, rather than ad hoc ones gerrymandered to any problem at hand, as AI does. Instead of indulging in mentalistic (and in C's case, also neuralistic) overinterpretations of the minuscule performance capacities of current models, both AI and C should hunker down to creating performance models that will require no embellishment or interpretation to be impressive as inroads on human performance and its functional basis. -- Stevan Harnad (609) - 921 7771 {allegra, bellcore, seismo, rutgers, packard} !princeton!mind!harnad harnad%mind@princeton.csnet
andrews@ubc-cs.UUCP (Jamie Andrews) (12/23/86)
In article <425@mind.UUCP> harnad@mind.UUCP (Stevan Harnad) writes: >... meeting one or the other of the >following criteria will be necessary: > (i) Prove formally that not only is C not subject to perceptron-like > constraints, but that it does have the power to generate > mental capacity. > (ii) Demonstrate C's power to generate mental capacity empirically... Minsky and Papert's analysis of perceptrons was based on a very exact and restricted type of machine. It seems to me that the emphasis in the discussion about connectionism should be on proving that the connectionist approach cannot work (possibly *using* _Perceptrons_-like arguments), rather than that _Perceptrons_-like proofs *cannot* be applied to connectionism. I think both connectionists and anti-connectionists should be involved in this proof process, however. I wouldn't want the discussion to turn into yet another classic AI political battle. >To summarize, my challenge to connectionists is that they either >provide (1) formal proof or (ii) empirical evidence for their claims >about the present or future capacity of C to model human performance >or its underlying function. If you mean by this that we should not study connectionism until connectionists have done one of these things, then (as you point out) we might as well write off the rest of AI too. The main thing should be to try to learn as much from the connectionist model as possible, and to accept any proofs of uselessness if someone should come up with them. We can't expect to turn all connectionist researchers into Minskys in order to prove theorems about it that must needs be very complex. --Jamie. ...!seismo!ubc-vision!ubc-cs!andrews "Good heavens, Miss Sakamoto, you're beautiful" This probably does not represent the views of the UBC Computer Science Department, or anyone else, for that matter.