heins@orion.UUCP (Michael Heins) (05/12/87)
[] I'm looking for advice on a lisp system for IBM/AT or clones. Ideally it would be a "full" implementation of Steele's Commonlisp and have flavors, compilation, a good debugger, C language interface, and be able to take advantage of all my expanded and extended memory. I would like to be able to port things to Lucid Commonlisp on the Sun and Commonlisp on the Symbolics without too big a lossage. How close can I come to this? Any recommendations? -- ...!hplabs!sdcrdcf!trwrb!orion!heins We are a way for the universe to know itself. -- Carl Sagan
wagner@iaoobelix.UUCP (05/19/87)
[ National lineeater week... ] How about GCLISP? It is a nice system including editor, compiler and provides a sensible CommonLISP environment even on the relatively small IBM PCs. Juergen Wagner, (USENET) ...seismo!unido!iaoobel!wagner ("Gandalf") Fraunhofer Institute IAO, Stuttgart