[net.records] disco & punk

tbray@mprvaxa (10/20/83)

While most of M. Rosen's points are well taken, there are a couple of
references which require response:

 "...punk is..."
 "...contemporary punk..."

"Punk" WAS. Was between 1975 and 1977. In London, England.

Which is why the sub-urban teenie-punks in their black leather, shiny buttons,
etc. are so laughable.

However the revitalization of rock that grew directly out of the influence
of the Pistols and the Ramones is still hanging in and has diffused itself
all over the scene. Only by such multi-way crossfertilization can rock
music maintain its (already questionable) vitality.

Strummer and Simenon have fired Mick Jones, I hear...sigh.  Maybe rock IS

	Actually, I always HATED the Ramones.