[comp.ai] Request for bibliographic data

lippolt@dnlunx.UUCP (Ben Lippolt) (07/30/87)

Does anyone know where I could get files with bibliographic data
(in "refer" format) of the following proceedings:

  IJCAI '79 '81 '83 '85 (and '87)
  AAAI  '80 '82 '83 '84 '86 and '87

Just the titles, authors and pagenumbers would be enough (although
keywords and abstracts would also be nice).


    Ben Lippolt,                    tel:     +31 70 435439
    PTT - Dr. Neher Labs,           telex:   31236 dnl nl
    P.O. Box 421,                   telefax: +31 70 436477
    2260 AK Leidschendam,           UUCP:    ..!mcvax!dnlunx!lippolt