[comp.ai] SUNY Buffalo CS Colloq: Lexicons, by D. Walker

rapaport@cs.buffalo.EDU (William J. Rapaport) (10/13/87)

                         UNIVERSITY AT BUFFALO

                      STATE UNIVERSITY OF NEW YORK




                            Donald E. Walker

        Artificial Intelligence and Information Science Research
                      Bell Communications Research

There has been a recent intensification of interest in the lexicon  that
is manifest in linguistics, computational linguistics, artificial intel-
ligence, and information science.   A series of workshops  have  brought
people  from a variety of backgrounds together to discuss these develop-
ments.  An attempt has been made to establish a baseline description  of
our  understanding  of  the  lexicon  (1)  in  various  research  areas:
linguistics, semantics, parsing, generation; (2) in relation to  certain
core  problems:   identifying  units,  lexicographic practice, cognitive
analysis, lexical acquisition; (3) as it affects applications:  transla-
tion,  education, information retrieval, "office" systems, personal use;
and (4) in identifying relevant  research  resources:   machine-readable
dictionaries and other reference works, lexical knowledge bases, textual
knowledge bases, products derived from interactions between lexical  and
textual  knowledge bases.  A primary objective currently being addressed
is the development of a polytheoretical lexicon in which lexical entries
are  written  so the information they contain can be used by people fol-
lowing different  theoretical  approaches.   In  addition,  efforts  are
underway  to  create shareable resources that can be used by the various
groups  working  in  this  area.   The long-range implications of  these
activities  are  critical  for further work on a broad range of problems
associated with natural language.

                            5 November 1987
                               3:30 P.M.
                         Knox 4, Amherst Campus

      Coffee and danish will be served at 4:30 P.M., 224 Bell Hall

             For further information, call (716) 636-2863.