[comp.ai] Computerized Lexicography

rapaport@cs.buffalo.EDU (William J. Rapaport) (10/14/87)

                         UNIVERSITY AT BUFFALO
                      STATE UNIVERSITY OF NEW YORK


                      CO-SPONSORS A COLLOQUIUM BY

                            MICHAEL SOKOLOFF

            Bar Ilan University and Johns Hopkins University

                       COMPUTERIZED LEXICOGRAPHY:
                 The Case of Jewish Palestinian Aramaic

This lecture will describe the methodology employed by  the  speaker  in
writing  a dictionary of an Aramaic dialect known from literary texts of
the byzantine Era.  This is the first successfully completed  dictionary
of  a  Semitic dialect to have been produced with the aid of a computer.
Algorithms used to prepare the KWICs of the linguistic corpus highlight-
ing  the  problems involved when working with a Semitic language written
in a consonantal script will be discussed.   Finally,  the  problems  of
wordprocessing  a bidirectional text and its preparation for printing by
a computerized typesetter will be dealt with.

                        Friday, October 23, 1987
                               12:00 noon
                      Clemens 1032, Amherst Campus

                            Co-sponsored by:

             Bureau of Jewish Education of Greater Buffalo,
Department of Classics, Judaic Studies Program, Religious Studies Program,
     Department of Linguistics, and Department of Computer Science

                      Brown-bag lunches permitted!

             For further information, call (716) 636-3193.

				William J. Rapaport
				Assistant Professor

Dept. of Computer Science, SUNY Buffalo, Buffalo, NY 14260

(716) 636-3193, 3181

uucp:	  ..!{ames,boulder,decvax,rutgers}!sunybcs!rapaport
internet: rapaport@cs.buffalo.edu
          [if that fails, try:  rapaport%cs.buffalo.edu@relay.cs.net
			   or:  rapaport@buffalo.csnet              ]
bitnet:	  rapaport@sunybcs.bitnet