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spb@onion.cs.reading.ac.uk (Stephen) (10/29/87)

                  Proceedings of the first
                   European Workshop on

                 KNOWLEDGE - BASED SYSTEMS

                   Co - Sponsored by the
            Institution of Electrical Engineers
                  2nd - 3rd September 1987
                     Reading University

There are only a limited number of  Proceedings.  These  are
available on a first come first served basis.  The cost will
be 35  pounds  sterling, which  includes  post  and  packing
within  the  UK.  Cheques  should  be made  payable  to 'The 
University of Reading'.

Orders to:   Professor T R Addis
             Department of Computer Science
             University of Reading
             RG6 2AX


Broy, M., "Transformational Semantics for Concurrent Programs,"
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     66-72, 1980.

Kuck, D.J., in The Structure of Computers and Computations, vol.
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Duncan, T., PROPS 2 Reference Manual, Imperial Cancer Research
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Sweet, R.M. and D. Eisenberg, "Correlation of sequence hydropho-
     bicities measures similarity in three dimensional protein
     structure," Journal of Molecular Biology, vol. 171, pp.
     479-488, 1983.

Elleby, P. and T.R. Addis, "Extending the Relational Database
     Model to capture more Constraints," A KSG Technical Report,

Chou, P.Y. and G.D. Fasman, "Prediction of the secondary struc-
     ture of proteins from their amino acid sequence," Advances
     in Enzymology, vol. 47, pp. 45-148, 1980.

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     vol. 13, pp. 339-386, 1980.

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     ford University Press, 1976.

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Cohen, F.E., R.M. Abarbanel, I.D. Kuntz, and R.J. Fletterick,
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     binatorial approach," Biochemistry, vol. 22, pp. 4894-4904,

Rawlings, C.J., W.R. Taylor, J. Nyakairu, J. Fox, and M.J.E.
     Sternberg, "Reasoning about protein topology using the logic
     programming language PROLOG," Journal of Molecular Graphics,
     vol. 3, pp. 151-157, 1985.

Rawlings, C.J., W.R.T. Taylor, J. Nyakairu, J. Fox, and M.J.E.
     Sternberg, Using Prolog to Represent and Reason about Pro-
     tein Structure, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, p. 536,
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     the use of PROLOG for protein querying," Journal of Molecu-
     lar Graphics, vol. 3, p. 109, 1985.  abstract 13

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     pp. 20-22, Paris, 1986.  Conference of the Association Fran-
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Wood-Harper, A T and C Fitzgerald, "A taxonomy of current ap-
     proaches to systems analysis," Computer Journal, vol. 24,
     no. 1, 1982.

* Stephen Bull                         *     Phone: (0734) 875123            *
* Dept. of Computer Science            *     mail: bull@onion.reading.ac.uk  *
* University of Reading, ENGLAND       *                                     *