Would someone do me a favor and post or email a short definition of the term "Genetic Learning Algorithm" or "Genetic Algorithm" ? Thanks. - Mark Goldfain arpa: (0040;0000003980;0;327;142;) (02/06/88)
I offer definitions by (1) aspersion (2) my broad characterization (3) one of J Holland's shortest canonical characterizations and (4) application. (1) GA are anything J Holland and/or his students say they are. (But this _is_ an aspersion on a rich, subtle and creative synthesis of formal systems and evolutionary dynamics.) (2) Broadly, GA are an optimization method for complex (multi-peaked, multi- dimensional, ill-defined) fitness functions. They reliably avoid local max/min, and the search time is much less than random search would require. Production rules are employed, but only as mappings from bit-strings (with wild-cards) to other bit strings, or to system outputs. System inputs are represented as bitstrings. The rules are used stochastically, and in parallel (at least conceptually; I understand several folk are doing implementations, too). A pretty good context paper for perspective (tho weak on the definition of GA!) is the Nature review 'New optimization methods from physics and biology' (9/17/87, pp.215-19). The author discusses neural nets, simulated annealing, and one example of GA, all applied to the TSP, but comments that "... a thorough comparason ... _would be_ very interesting" (my emphasis). (3) J. Holland, "Genetic algorithms and adaptation", pp. 317-33 in ADAPTIVE CONTROL OF ILL-DEFINED SYSTEMS, 1984, Ed. O. Selfridge, E. Rissland, M. A. Arbib. Page 319 has: "In brief, and very roughly, a genetic algorithm can be looked upon as a sampling procedure that draws samples from the set C; each sample drawn has a value, the fitness of the corresponding genotype. From this point of view the population of individuals at any time t, call it B(t), is a _set_ of samples drawn from C. The genetic algo- rithm observes the fitnesses of the individuals in B(t) and uses this information to generate and test a new set of individuals, B(t+1). As we will soon see in detail, the genetic algorithm uses the familiar "reproduction according to fitness" in combination with crossing over (and other genetic operators) to generate the new individuals. This process progressively biases the sampling pro- cedure toward the use of _combinations_ of alleles associated with above-average fitness. Surprisingly, in a population of size M, the algorithm effectively exploits some multiple of M^3 combinations in exploring C. (We shall soon see how this happens.) For populations of more than a few individuals this number, M^3, is vastly greater than the total number of alleles in the population. The correspond- ing speedup in the rate of searching C, a property called _implicit parallelism_, makes possible very high rates of adaptation. Moreover, because a genetic algorithm uses a distributed database (the popu- lation) to generate new samples, it is all but immune to some of the difficulties -- false peaks, discontinuities, high-dimensionality, etc. -- that commonly attend complex problems." Well, _I_ shall soon close here, but first the few examples of applications that I know of (the situation reminds me of the joke about the two rubes visiting New York for the first time, getting off the bus with all of $2.50. What to do? One takes the money, disappears into a drugstore and reappears having bought a box of Tampax. Quoth he, "With tampax, you can do _anything_!) Anyway: o As noted, the TSP is a canonical candidate. o A student of Holland has implemented a control algorithm for a gas pipe-line center, which monitors and adaptively controls flow rates based on cyclic usages and arbitrary, even ephemeral, constraints. o Of course, some students have done some real (biological) population genetics studies, which I note are a tad more plausible than the usual haploid, deterministic equations. o Byte mag. has run a few articles, e.g. 'Predicting International Events' and 'A bit-mapped Classifier' (both 10/86). o Artificial animals are being modelled in artificial worlds. (When will the Vivarium let some their animated blimps ("fish") be so programmed?) Finally, I noted above that the production rules take system inputs as bit-strings. This representation allows for induction, and opens up a large realm of cognitive science issues, addressed by Holland et al in their newish book, INDUCTION. Hope this helps. I really would like to hear about other application areas; pragmatic issues are still unclear in my mind also, but as apparent, the GA model has intrinsic appeal. Ron Goldthwaite / UC Davis, Psychology and Animal Behavior 'Economics is a branch of ethics, pretending to be a science; ethology is a science, pretending relevance to ethics.'