(Stephen Smoliar) (01/31/88)
I just read the article, "How to Talk to an Expert," by Steven E. Evanson in the February 1988 issue of AI EXPERT. While I do not expect profound technical insights from this magazine, I found certain portions of this article sufficiently contrary to my own experiences that I decided a bit of flaming was in order. Mr. Evanson is credited as being "a practicing psychologist in Monterey, Calif., who works in the expert systems area." Let me being with the observation that I am NOT a practicing psychologist, nor is my training in psychology. What I write will be based primarily on the four years of experience I had at the Schlumberger-Doll Research Laboratory in Ridgefield, Connecticut during which I had considerable opportunity to interact with a wide variety of field experts and to attempt to implement the results of those interactions in the form of software. Mr. Evanson dwells on many approaches to getting an expert to explain himself. For the most part, he address himself to the appropriate sorts of probing questions the interviewer should ask. Unfortuntely, one may conclude from Mr. Evanson's text that such interviewing is a unilateral process. The knowledge engineer "prompts" the expert and records what he has to say. Such a practice misses out on the fact that experts are capable of listening, too. If a knowledge engineer is discussing how an expert is solving a particular problem; then it is not only valuable, but probably also important, that the interviewer be able to "play back" the expert's solution without blindly mimicking it. In other words, if the interviewer can explain the solution back to the expert in a way the expert finds acceptable, then both parties can agree that the information has been transferred. This seems to be the most effective way to deal with one of Mr. Evanson's more important observations: It is very important for the interviewer to understand how the expert thinks about the problem and not assume or project his or her favored modes of thinking into the expert's verbal reports. Maintaining bilateral communication is paramount in any encounter with an expert. Mr. Evanson makes the following observation: Shallowness of breathing or eyes that appear to defocus and glaze over may also be associated with internal visual images. Unfortunately, it may also indicate that the expert is at a loss at the stage of the interview. It may be that he has encountered an intractable problem, but another possibility it that he really has not processed a question from the interviewer and can't figure out how to reply. If the interviewer cannot distinguish "deep thought" from "being at a loss," he is likely to get rather confused with his data. Mr. Evanson would have done better to cultivate an appreciation of this point. It is also important to recognize that much of what Mr. Evanson has to say is opinion which is not necessarily shared "across the board." For example: As experts report how they are solving a problem, they translate internal experiences into language. Thus language becomes a tool for representing the experiences of the expert. While this seems rather apparent at face value, we should bear in mind that it is not necessarily consistent with some of the approaches to reasoning which have been advanced by researchers such as Marvin Minsky in his work on memory models. The fact is that often language can be a rather poor medium for accounting for one's behavior. This is why I believe that it is important that a knowledge engineer should raise himself to the level of novice in the problem domain being investigated before he even begins to think about what his expert system is going to look like. It is more important for him to internalize problem solving experiences than to simply document them. In light of these observations, the sample interview Mr. Evanson provides does not serve as a particularly shining example. He claims that he began an interview with a family practice physician with the following question: Can you please describe how you go about making decisions with a common complaint you might see frequently in your practice? This immediately gets things off on the wrong foot. One should begin with specific problem solving experiences. The most successful reported interviews with physicians have always begun with a specific case study. If the interviewer does not know how to formulate such a case study, then he is not ready to interview yet. Indeed, Mr. Evanson essentially documents that he began with the wrong question without explicitly realizing it: This question elicited several minutes of interesting unstructured examples of general medical principles, data-gathering techniques, and the importance of a thorough examination but remained essentially unanswered. The question was repeated three or four times with slightly different phrasing with little result. From this point on, the level of credibility of Mr. Evanson's account goes downhill. Ultimately, the reader of this article is left with a potentially damaging false impression of what interviewing an expert entails. One important point I observed at Schlumberger is that initial interviews often tend to be highly frustrating and not necessarily that fruitful. They are necessary because of the anthropological necessity of establishing a shared vocabulary. However, once that vocabulary has been set, the burden is on the knowledge engineer to demonstrate the ability to use it. Thus, the important thing is to be able to internalize some initial problem solving experience enough so that it can be implemented. At this point, the expert is in a position to do something he is very good at: criticize the performance of an inferior. Experts are much better at picking apart the inadequacies of a problem which is claiming to solve problems than at giving the underlying principles of solution. Thus, the best way to get information out of an expert is often to give him some novice software to criticize. Perhaps Mr. Evanson has never built any such software for himself, in which case this aspect of interacting with an expert may never have occurred to him.
fordjm@byuvax.bitnet (02/05/88)
Note: The following article is from both Larry E. Wood and John M. Ford of Brigham Young University. We have also recently read Evanson's AI Expert article on interviewing experts and feel that some discussion of this topic would prove useful. Relative to Steve Smoliar's reactions, we feel it is appropriate to begin with a disclaimer of sorts. As cognitive psychologists, we hope those reading Evanson's article will not judge the potential contributions of psychologists by what they find there. Some of the points Evanson chooses to emphasize seem counterintuitive (and perhaps counterproductive) to us as well. We attribute this in part to his being a practicing clinician rather than a specialist in cognitive processes. On a more positive note, as relative newcomers to the newly emerging field of knowledge engineering (two years), we do believe that there are social science disciplines which can make important contributions to the field. These disciplines include cognitive science research methodology, educational measurement and task analysis, social science survey research, anthropological research methods, protocol analysis, and others. While knowledge elicitation for the purpose of building expert systems (or other AI applications) has its own special set of problems, we believe that these social science disciplines have developed some methods which knowledge engineers can adapt to the task of knowledge elicitation and documentation. Two examples of such interdisciplinary "borrowing" which are presently influencing knowledge engineering are the widespread use of protocol analysis methods (see a number of articles in this year's issues of the International Journal of Man-Machine Studies) and the influence of anthropological methods and perspectives (alluded to by Steve Smoliar in his previous posting and represented in the work of Marriane LaFrance, see also this year's IJM-MS). It is our belief that there are other areas in the social sciences which can make important contributions, but which are not yet well known in AI circles. This is *not* intended as a blanket endorsement of approaches to knowledge elicitation based on social science disciplines. We do, however, believe that it is important for practicing knowledge engineers to attend to methodologies developed outside of AI so that they can spend their time refining and extending their application to AI rather than "reinventing the wheel." We have a paper in preparation which addresses some of these issues. Larry E. Wood John M. Ford woodl@byuvax.bitnet fordjm@byuvax.bitnet
garyb@hpmwtla.HP.COM (Gary Bringhurst) (02/09/88)
(for the nasty line eating bug) Warning: flaming ahead As a (modest) computer scientist, I always find it disturbing to read condescending remarks like those of professors Wood and Ford, who have, by their own admission, been involved in AI only a short time (two years). >We >do, however, believe that it is important for practicing >knowledge engineers to attend to methodologies developed outside >of AI so that they can spend their time refining and extending >their application to AI rather than "reinventing the wheel." I agree with this statement, as I believe any professional should try to expand his area of expertise as far as possible. Would I be out of place to ask that cognitive psychologists who wish to contribute to AI study a little computer science in return? I have actually taken a class from Dr. Wood, and unless his depth of knowledge in the field of computer science has increased significantly since early 1987, I would find it very hard to give much weight to anything he says. >Larry E. Wood John M. Ford >woodl@byuvax.bitnet fordjm@byuvax.bitnet I suppose I'm just tired of well meaning zealots jumping into the foray. The AI bandwagon is loaded heavily enough as is. Let's lighten the load a little. Gary L. Bringhurst (DISCLAIMER: My opinions do not, in general, bear any resemblance at all to the opinions of my employer, which actually has none.) (Gilbert Cockton) (02/15/88)
In article <2300001@hpmwtla.HP.COM> garyb@hpmwtla.HP.COM (Gary Bringhurst) writes: > >Would I be out of place to ask that cognitive psychologists who wish to > contribute to AI study a little computer science in return? Hear! hear! (and some psychology too :-) ) > >I suppose I'm just tired of well meaning zealots jumping into the foray. (reference to Knoweldge Engineering tutors with no computing knowledge) Whilst sceptical about much AI, it's my opinion that in 10 years time, Knowledge Engineering will be seen as one of the most important contributions of AI to Systems Design. Why? - because the skills required for succesful knowledge elicitation are applicable to ALL systems design. The result is that computer specialists who would never have attended 'useless' courses or read up on 'Participative design' and 'end-user involvement' have been seduced into learning about some central skills in these design approaches (KE is still weak on organisational/operations modelling though). So, even if Expert Systems never become the dominant systems technology, we will have more systems specialists who do know how to find out what people want. So, those well-meaning zealots, ignorant of computing, but knowlegeable about human issues, have, in the promise of Intelligent Systems and big profits, at last found a way to influence and educate more computing professionals. Pass the quiche! -- Gilbert Cockton, Scottish HCI Centre, Heriot-Watt University, Chambers St., Edinburgh, EH1 1HX. JANET: ARPA: UUCP: ..{backbone}!mcvax!ukc!hci!gilbert