[comp.ai] Summer Job at Supercomputer Center

Q2813@pucc.Princeton.EDU (Creative Business Decisions) (05/05/88)

I am posting the following summer job notice at the request of
the JvNC.  Please do not send me email;  several appropriate
addresses are listed below.
Applicants must be COLLEGE JUNIORS, but I don't know whether they
must be currently enrolled, or enrolled for the fall, or both.
There is a stipend of something like $2,000 for the summer, but
no help with travel expenses, etc.  The deadline is MAY 15.
If you have any questions, call the number below, or send email to
Mr. Vance.
--Una Smith  q2813@pucc.bitnet

Q2813@pucc.Princeton.EDU (Creative Business Decisions) (05/05/88)

I am posting the following summer job notice on behalf of the
JvNC;  please don't reply to me.  Note the MAY 15 deadline.
If you have any questions, telephone or send email to Vercell
Vance.  His phone number and addresses are listed below.
--Una Smith  q2813@pucc.bitnet
                             SUMMER 1988
The John von Neumann National Supercomputer Center in Princeton,
New Jersey is now accepting applications for participation in the
summer undergraduate employment program, REU ("Research
Experience for Undergraduates").
Selection of undergraduates will be based upon the interests and
relative qualifications of the applicant.  An "undergraduate" is
someone who is registered as a Sophomore, Junior or Senior for
the fall.  Key criteria include major field of study (sciences,
engineering, mathematics), grade point average (3.0 or higher),
faculty recommendations and personal and/or telephone interview.
Participants will be employed for up to 14, but at least 8 weeks
during the summer and will work with JVNC staff members in
selected areas including Scientific Applications, Programming
Consultation, Networking and Computer Operations, Systems
Implementation and Visualisation and Science Support.
Applicants are expected to provide for their own transportation
and living accommodations.  Canadian students are welcome to
apply.  There is a generous stipend;  Vercell Vance can provide
Interested parties should send a letter and resume, including
faculty recommendation(s), before May 15, 1988 to:
                        Mr. Vercell Vance
                        <VANCE@JVNCD.BITNET> or <vance@jvncd.csc.org>
                        P.O. Box 3717
                        Princeton, NJ  08543