[comp.ai] Micro Explorer Demo by TI

millard@eos.UUCP (Millard Edgerton) (06/18/88)

                        MacIntash II

             Thursday June 23, 1988 at 10:00,
                    Bld N201, Auditorium

TI will be demonstrating their new MicroExplorer  on  MacIn-

tash  II.  The  MicroExplorer uses the Lisp chip from TI and

provides an AI development environment within the  MacIntash

system.  They  will  give  an overview of the system and its

capabilities. Also,     there will be a representative  from

Inference  Corporation  to  give  a  demonstration of ART on

MicroExplorer by running some examples.

         Point of contact Shahriar Kianersi X4030.