parvis@pyr.gatech.EDU (FULLNAME) (06/27/88)
I would like to know whether anyone knows about a computer program that could help me with my gardening. I'm interested in all kinds of computer programs either for indoor or outdoor running on any personal computer. Does anyone have experience in using a computer to plan her/his gardening and diagnose deseases of the plants? I know there are many knowledge based systems for many different domains. Does anyone know a similar application for gardening? I appreciate any response and discussion on this question. Thanks, Parvis. -- (Ian Dickinson) (06/28/88)
> / / parvis@pyr.gatech.EDU (FULLNAME) / 3:51 pm Jun 27, 1988 / > I know there are many knowledge based systems > for many different domains. Does anyone know a similar application for > gardening? I don't know about gardening, but there was a project over here about three years ago in the domain of crop disease diagnosis, which might give you some useful pointers. It was a collaboration between ICI (Imperial Chemical Industries, who make grungy chemicals for killing bugs) and a small (then, at least) software house called, I think, ISI. ISI produced a fairly standard es-shell for the project called _Savoir_. [If you think this is a long prelude, you're right - I can't remember the name of the project :-( ] There was a paper on it at one of the _Expert Systems '8n_ conferences held by the BCS (where member( n, [5, 6, 7] )) Apologies for the fallible memory... > I appreciate any response and discussion on this question. Thanks, Parvis. You are welcome - sorry it's a rather broad-band response. Ian. +---------------------+--------------------------+------------------------+ |Ian Dickinson net: All opinions expressed | |Hewlett Packard Labs are my own, and not | |Bristol, England ijd@hplb.uucp necessarily those of | |0272-799910 ..!mcvax!ukc!hplb!ijd my employer. | +---------------------+--------------------------+------------------------+
saal@sfsup.UUCP (S.Saal) (06/29/88)
In article <5968@pyr.gatech.EDU>, parvis@gitpyr.UUCP writes: > I would like to know whether anyone knows about a computer program that > could help me with my gardening. I'm interested in all kinds of computer > programs either for indoor or outdoor running on any personal computer. > -- The mail-order bookstore Capability's Books offers about half a dozen computer programs that design vegetable and flower gardens and can be set up to remind you of weekly chores. I don't know of any that diagnose pest problems. Capability's prices are reasonable, they offer a discount on large orders, and a letter will get you excellent personal service. Their address is: Capability's Books, Box 114, Highway 46, Deer Park, WI 54007 from Carrie, via Sam Saal "A great garden is never completed, merely abandoned."