(Alberto M. Segre) (09/13/88)
Call for Topics: Sixth International Workshop on Machine Learning Cornell University Ithaca, New York; U.S.A. June 29 - July 1, 1989 The Sixth International Workshop on Machine Learning will be held at Cornell University, from June 29 through July 1, 1989. The workshop will be divided into four to six disjoint sessions, each focusing on a different theme. Each session will be chaired by a different member of the machine learning community, and will consist of 30 to 50 participants invited on the basis of abstracts submitted to the session chair. Plenary sessions will be held for invited talks. People interested in chairing one of the sessions should submit a one-page proposal, stating the topic of the session, sites at which research is currently done on this topic, estimated attendance, format of the session, and their own qualifications as session chair. Proposals should be submitted by November 1, 1988 to the program chair: Alberto Segre Department of Computer Science Cornell University, Upson Hall Ithaca, NY 14853-7501 USA Telephone: (607) 255-9196 Electronic mail should be addressed to "" or "". The organizing committee will evaluate proposals on the basis of perceived demand and their potential impact on the field. Topics will be announced by early 1989, at which time a call for papers will be issued. Partial travel support may be available for some participants.