nieh@geae2.steinmetz (nico nieh) (02/10/89)
We are having a lot of trouble with KEE 3.0 (intellicorp) on our sun-4. KEE is build on top of Lucid Common Lisp. We are using 2.1.3 Lucid Common Lisp. As log as we started up our application and moved the mouse or click the mouse button we randomly got one of the following error message 1. signal stack overflow.... 2. GC printing error.... 3. expand stack due to overflow 4. ....queue full 5. Synchronous interrupt while deferring -- allow it anyway. 6. #<unknown object 123432> all over the screen and the whole KEE process froze. Two week ago we came up with the following Lisp program which forze Lisp process. ;; To recreate, do this: ;; startup Lisp 2.1.3 on sun-4 ;; open an editor window with (ED) ;; load this file ;; eval BUG-TEST ;; while it's running, right click repeatedly on the editor window ;; and select nothing from the menu. ;; You should get a freeze after 15 to 50 (maybe more) ;; clicks with this message: ;; "Synchronous interrupt while deferring -- allow it anyway. ;; Expanding stack due to overflow." ;; or "sendsig: bad signal stack pid=2807,sig=4 ;; sigsp = 0xfffff3f8, action = 0x5a9008, upc = 0x59b488" ;; appeared in console window and generated core dump. (setq jjj '("add")) (defun bug-test () (do ((idx 1)) ((> idx 40000)) (format t "~%Your swap space for Kee ") (setq idx (1+ idx)) (setq jjj (append jjj (list '("ksdjfhlkdjfghlkfjgh")))) ) ;end of progn ) We reported this bug to both Intellicorp and Lucid, according to them this was a new bug and they never heard about it. I doubt it. It's about 2 weeks and they can not come up with a fix. Does anyone have the similar problem regarding Lucid Lisp 2.1/KEE 3.0/Sun-4 ? Ko-Haw Nieh General Electric Company | ARPA: Corporate Research and Development | UUCP: P.O BOX 8, K1-ES224 | UUCP: {uunet!}steinmetz!nieh!crd Schenectady, NY 12301 | 518-387-7431