[comp.ai] Artificial Intelligence Symposium to be held at University of Maine

STEVEG@MAINE.BITNET (Steve E. Goldsmith) (03/07/89)

               Artificial Intelligence and Intelligent
             Tutoring Systems:  1989 Spring Symposium at
                       the University of Maine

                  Sun. May 21 - Wed., May 24, 1989

  Invited Speakers:

  (1) Prof. Donald Michie, Chief Scientist, Turing Institute,
         Glasgow, Scotland.

  (2) Prof. Ivan Bratko, Josef Stefan Institute, Ljubljana,

  (3) Dr. Larry Harris, A.I. Corporation, Waltham, MA.

  (4) Dr. Alen Shapiro, Action Software, Scripps Ranch, CA.

  (5) Dr. Ivan Bruha, Dept. of Computer Science, Hamilton
        University, Ontario, Canada.

  (6) Dr. Richard Feifer, UCLA, School of Education, Los Angeles,

  (7) Prof. Beverly Woolf, COINS Dept., University of
        Massachusetts, Amherst.

  (8) Dr. Andrew Frank, Dept. of Survey Engineering/Computer
        Science, University of Maine

  (9) Dr. Monroe Newborn, School of Computer Science, McGill University

 (10) Dr. Danny Kopec, Dept. of Computer Science University of Maine

 (11) Dr. Michael Brody, School of Education, University of Maine

Statement of Purpose:

This meeting at the University of Maine will be a symposium for the
people of northern New England and beyond which will present the
field of artificial intelligence and a number of important topics
within it,  by bringing together  leading researchers in the field.
Each invited  speaker will be encouraged to present his/her  area
of interest in the field of artificial intelligence, to describe
specific research trends, achievements and failures in the field
and specific areas needing attention, and  to direct further research.
The focus of the second day will be on Intelligent Tutoring Systems
(ITS)  -- what they are, the methodology behind  them, and their
future promise.  In this regard presentations of working ITS systems
will be encouraged.


Sunday, May 21,  Registration and Coastal Excursion

Monday, May 22, Registration;  General A.I.

Morning:      Michie ----    Invited Overview Lecture;
              Frank ----     Geographical Information Systems;
              Harris ----    Commercialization of A.I. Systems
 Afternoon:   Shapiro ---    Inductive Learning;
              Bruha ----     Neural Nets;
              Bratko----     A.I. in medicine;
 Evening:     Panel Discussion: Beyond Expert Systems --
                                Where Does and Where Will A.I. Help?
         Downeast Maine Banquet

Tuesday, May 23: Intelligent Tutoring Systems (ITS)

Morning:      Newborn, Feifer, Woolf, Kopec & Brody
Afternoon:    Panel Discussion:    ITS -- Are They Effective?

Intended Audience:

Members of the academic, scientific, technological, medical,  and
business communities in New England and beyond.  The Symposium should
also be of interest to A.I. researchers who are interested in
interacting with recognized leaders in the specific areas being

Topics to be Addressed:

*  Acquisition of knowledge
*  A.I. applications in Medicine
*  Inductive Learning Systems
*  A.I. in Geographical Information Systems
*  Automatic Theorem Proving
*  Neural Nets in Knowledge-based Systems
*  Intelligent Tutoring Systems -- Tools, Learning and Applications

Further Information Contact:
     Dr. Jim Toner
     Conferences and Institutes Division
     University of Maine
     Chadbourne Hall
     Orono, Maine   04469                                                   ) -
     Tel.: (207) - 581-4092
     Dr. Danny Kopec (organizer)
     Dept. of Computer Science
     University of Maine
     Neville Hall
     Orono, Maine   04469-0122
     Tel:  (207) - 581-3522