(Tim Finin) (03/16/89)
AI SEMINAR UNISYS PAOLI RESEARCH CENTER Adding Forward Chaining and Truth Maintenance to Prolog Tim Finin Unisys Paoli Research Center Prolog, like most logic programming languages, has a fixed reasoning strategy based on depth-first, left-to-right backward chaining. Many applications can benefit from more flexible reasoning strategies. This talk describes an approach to extending Prolog's reasoning capabilities by adding forward chaining, Horn clauses, and an integrated truth maintenance system. The Pfc system is a package, implemented in standard Prolog, that provides a forward reasoning capability with an integrated justification-based truth maintenance system. It is intended to be used together with conventional Prolog programs, allowing the programmer to decide whether to encode a particular piece of knowledge as a forward-chaining Pfc rule or a backward chaining Prolog one. Like other logic programming languages, Pfc programs have a declarative interpretation as well as clear and predictable procedural one. The integrated truth maintenance system maintains consistency, supports non-monotonic reasoning, and makes derivations available for applications. Finally, Pfc is designed to be practical, being relatively efficient and fairly unobtrusive. Monday, March 20, 2:00 BIC Conference Room Unisys Paoli Research Center Route 252 and Central Ave. Paoli PA 19311 -- non-Unisys visitors who are interested in attending should -- -- send email to or call 215-648-7446 -- -- Tim Finin (internet) Unisys Paoli Research Center ..!{psuvax1,sdcrdcf,cbmvax}!burdvax!finin (uucp) PO Box 517 215-648-7446 (office), 215-386-1749 (home), Paoli, PA 19301 215-648-7412 (fax)