nejdl@vexpert.uucp (Wolfgang Nejdl) (04/21/89)
I am posting the following question for a colleague, who does not use electronic mail. Please reply to my e-mail address, if you know of such an expert system. Thank you. --------------------------------------------------- Expert System for Polymer Design: Is there any expert system, which concludes from the description of the molecular/micro structure of a polymer by means of physico-chemical data (size exclusion chromatograms, infrared-, nuclear magnetic resonance spectrograms, differential scanning calorimetry thermograms, solubility data, ...) to processing properties of this polymer (tensile strength, elongation, impact resistance, ...)? Would it be of use for designing related polymers with different requirement profiles? -- Wolfgang Nejdl nejdl@vexpert.uucp Technical University of Vienna vexpert! Paniglg. 16, A-1040 Vienna, Austria ...mcvax!vexpert!nejdl