[comp.ai] IJCAI-89 Blackboard Workshop

CORK@cs.umass.EDU ("Dan Corkill, COINS, UMass 413/545-0156") (05/02/89)

                           CALL FOR PARTICIPATION
                   IJCAI-89 Workshop on Blackboard Systems
                              Sponsored by AAAI
                         Wednesday, August 23, 1989
                          Detroit, Michigan, U.S.A.


  The blackboard paradigm is a powerful technique for implementing
  today's ambitious AI applications and for integrating diverse problem
  solving expertise into a common framework. 
  The Third Annual Workshop on Blackboard Systems, like its
  predecessors, provides an informal forum where researchers in
  blackboard technology and developers of blackboard-based applications
  exchange ideas, experiences, problems, and inspirations.  The aims of
  the workshop include: allowing participants to share the latest
  results of their research in an informal setting, informing
  participants of other researchers working on similar problems or using
  similar approaches, and identifying common unsolved research issues.
  Topics of interest for the workshop include:
      * blackboard systems/shells;
      * blackboard control mechanisms/techniques;
      * real-time, parallel, and distributed blackboard approaches;
      * performance measures for blackboard systems/applications;
      * user interfaces/explanation facilities for blackboard systems;
      * application development/debugging facilities for blackboard
      * problems associated with fielding a blackboard-based
      * novel blackboard-based applications.
  Submissions presenting comparison data between blackboard technology
  and other AI methodologies or among alternate blackboard-based
  approaches are particularly encouraged.
  The workshop is one-day long and will take place on Wednesday, August
  23.  Accepted papers will be grouped into three panels based on
  content.  Each panel will consist of a series of informal paper
  presentations followed by a general discussion period.  A chair for
  each panel will be selected from members of the Workshop Committee.
  As with previous years, a proceedings containing complete versions of
  the accepted papers will be distributed at the workshop.

  Submission Information
  Workshop invitations will be issued on the basis of extended abstracts
  10 pages or less in length.  Each extended abstract will be reviewed
  by members of the Workshop Committee.  At most, 2 invitations will be
  issued for each accepted abstract.  In keeping with an informal
  workshop, the total number of invitations will be limited to 30--35

  Workshop Committee
  Larry Baum, Boeing ATC           Kevin Gallagher, UMass (co-chair)
  Roberto Bisiani, CMU             Barbara Hayes-Roth, Stanford
  Daniel Corkill, UMass (chair)    V. Jagannathan, American Cimflex
  Raj Dodhiawala, FMC              Victor Lesser, UMass
  Robert Engelmore, Stanford       Penny Nii, Stanford
  Lee Erman,Teknowledge
  Important Dates
  May 31, 1989     Extended abstracts must be received
  July 17, 1989    Notification of invitation or rejection
  August 8, 1989   Completed papers must be received
  August 23, 1989  Workshop date
  Send four copies of extended abstracts to:
  Daniel D. Corkill
  Department of Computer and Information Science
  University of Massachusetts
  Amherst, Massachusetts 01003
  Internet: Cork@CS.UMass.Edu
  Phone: 413/545-0156
  FAX: 413/545-1249
