[comp.ai] Help needed with SI-Nets

tsatsoul@Intrepid.ece.ukans.edu (Costas Tsatsoulis) (07/06/89)

Since the first time it does not seem to have been posted, here we go again 
(apologies to anybody who has already seen it):

I am currently reading a paper where the authors make constant references to
"SI-Nets", without any discussion or references. My guess is that they mean
semantic nets, but I need to be sure. Anybody who has seen "SI-Nets" before
or has a reference, please send me personal e-mail.
Thank you,
--- Costas Tsatsoulis				UKANVAX.BITNET
HAIKU Research Group		tsatsoul @	volta.ece.ukans.edu
The University of Kansas			tisl.af.mil