[comp.ai] LEVEL5

smfoo@m.cs.uiuc.edu (07/14/89)

/* Written 12:55 pm  Jul  5, 1989 by mshapiro@polyslo.CalPoly.EDU in m.cs.uiuc.edu:comp.ai */
/* ---------- "Retry!  Looking for info on Level5" ---------- */

Hi, folks.  Yet another try here to find info on Level5 from 
Information Builders, Inc.  I'm looking for all sorts of info
ranging from how this shell is positioned with thin this VERY crowded
marketplace as well as how the companies holding up.  I'd hate
to buy this thing and then get no support from a defunct 

If you know anything please, oh please, help me out.


/* End of text from m.cs.uiuc.edu:comp.ai */

Though this response comes a bit late, hope it still helps in some way...

Just happened to meet a friend who had some experience using the Level5 sys.
According to him, the shell is really helpful and neat for beginners, and if
the  application  on hand is not too complex.  But if the application is too
complex, then, a more powerful package such as PCPLUS is more recommendatble.

Since you want all sorts of information, maybe I can say something about the
manuals that come with the product....  According to this friend, one should
not have much problem in using the product as the manuals are good. 

And on Level5 itself, it makes use of a simple but versatile language called
Production Rule Language (PRL) to develop its knowledge bases.   PRL  repre-
sents knowledge in the IF-THEN-ELSE rule form, and also allows one to specify 
procedure rules.  

Level5  uses both backward chaining goal driven and forward chining.  Level5 
knowledge bases may activate other Level5 kb's and communicate with them via 
a file of global facts or parameters that are shared among all kb's activated 
for  a  particular application.   Level5 also allows external programs to be 
activated directly by a kb and provides an interface to dBASE II and dBASE III 
data base files. Kb's are developed using the Level5 multi-windowing kb editor.
The  editor interacts with the compiler and can be invoked to correct errors 
found at compile time.

Besides, Level5 has a report system, which is an explanation facility that
gives  the user complete access to the inferential process while running a 
kb.  It is another powerful debugging tool.

The above info on Level5 itself is given by the friend who got it from the
manuals  that come with the package.  Hope it's of some use in helping you
make some decision :-)