walker@FLASH.BELLCORE.COM (Donald E Walker) (09/05/89)
CALL FOR PAPERS 28th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics 6-9 June 1990 University of Pittsburgh Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania TOPICS OF INTEREST: Papers are invited on substantial, original, and unpublished research on all aspects of computational linguistics, including, but not limited to, pragmatics, discourse, semantics, syntax, and the lexicon; phonetics, phonology, and morphology; interpreting and generating spoken and written language; linguistic, mathematical, and psychological models of language; machine translation and translation aids; natural language interfaces; message understanding systems; and theoretical and applications papers of every kind. REQUIREMENTS: Papers should describe unique work; they should emphasize completed work rather than intended work; and they should indicate clearly the state of completion of the reported results. A paper accepted for presentation at the ACL Meeting cannot be presented at another conference. FORMAT FOR SUBMISSION: Authors should submit twelve copies of preliminary versions of their papers, not to exceed 3200 words (exclusive of references). The title page should include the title, the name(s) of the author(s), complete addresses, a short (5 line) summary, and a specification of the topic area. Submissions that do not conform to this format will not be reviewed. Send to: Robert C. Berwick ACL-90 Program Chair MIT AI Laboratory, Room 838 545 Technology Square Cambridge, MA 02139 USA (+1 617)253-8918 berwick@wheaties.ai.mit.edu SCHEDULE: Final papers are due by 16 December 1989. Authors will be notified of acceptance by 3 February 1990. Camera-ready copies of final papers prepared in a double-column format, preferably on laser-printer output must be received by 7 April 1990, along with a signed copyright release statement. OTHER ACTIVITIES: The meeting will include a program of tutorials organized by Dan Flickinger, Hewlett-Packard Research Laboratories, 1501 Page Mill Road, Palo Alto, CA 94304, USA; (+1 415)857-8789; flickinger@hp.com. Anyone wishing to arrange an exhibit or present a demonstration should send a brief description together with a specification of physical requirements (space, power, telephone connections, tables, etc.) to Rich Thomason at the address below. CONFERENCE INFORMATION: Local arrangements are being handled by Rich Thomason, Intelligent Systems Program, Cathedral of Learning 1004, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA 15260, USA; (+1 412)624-5791; thomason@cad.cs.cmu.edu. For other information on the conference and on the ACL more generally, contact Don Walker (ACL), Bellcore, MRE 2A379, 445 South Street, Box 1910, Morristown, NJ 07960-1910, USA; (+1 201)829-4312; walker@flash.bellcore.com or bellcore!walker. PROGRAM COMMITTEE: Robert Berwick, David Israel, Karen Jensen, Aravind Joshi, Richard Larson, Paul Martin, Kathy McKeown, Martha Pollack, James Pustejovsky, Edward Stabler, Hans Uszkoreit, David Weir.