jtr@cs.exeter.ac.uk (Jason Trenouth) (12/06/89)
BOOK REVIEWERS REQUIRED: "Silly Hogwash About Mathematics" by Richard Head Simon and Garfunkle Professor of Artifical Intelligence Camelot University In this book I argue that there is no such thing as Mathematics. The main criticisms are as follows: (1) I have never once caught myself thinking about Mathematics (2) Searle's dog OBVIOUSLY doesn't think about Mathematics (3) the Cheese Room experiment confirms (2) (4) Godel's Theorem proves that even numbers are too complicated to understand (5) Mathematics can only exist in the gap between frames and scripts (6) finally, the Heineken Uncertainty Principle for connectionism (a priori, one cannot know if there is funding or not) shows that Mathematics can never be done by people with finite salaries JT [this humour is personal, and is not the official position of the CS dept!] -- ______________________________________________________________________________ | Jason Trenouth, | JANET: jtr@uk.ac.exeter.cs | | Comp. Sci. Dept., Exeter Univ., | UUCP: jtr@expya.uucp | | Devon, EX4 4PT, UK. TEL: (0392) 264061 | BITNET: jtr%uk.ac.exeter.cs@ukacrl|