[comp.ai] Robotics

dtroup@carroll1.cc.edu (David C. Troup - Skunk Works : 2600hz) (01/11/90)

	Im looking for information of current robots used in AI, Vision,
	Robotics, autonomous vehicles .. etc research. Printed material,
	videotapes, files. Whatever I can get. If you know of some good books
	that I could get, that would be great as well. 

	In case your wondering, Im in a Robotics class now, and our research
	paper is on Robots used in Research. Any help would be greatly


	David C. Troup

David C. Troup ! SkunkWorks ! 2600 hz           |"Im going to work at an office
       dtroup@carroll1.cc.edu                   | that has no phone, and
    414-524-6809(dorm)7343(work)                | returning home with sandy
The Surf Rat - DC 12 on Neil Pryde and Seatrend | feet."          

dtroup@carroll1.cc.edu (David C. Troup - Skunk Works : 2600hz) (01/16/90)

	I've allready asked once, but Ill ask again...

	Does anyone know where I can get some info on robots that have been/are
	being used in research (any kind of research). Or what books could be
	recommended for some "meaty" information?


David C. Troup ! SkunkWorks ! 2600 hz           |"Im going to work at an office
       dtroup@carroll1.cc.edu                   | that has no phone, and
    414-524-6809(dorm)7343(work)                | returning home with sandy
The Surf Rat - DC 12 on Neil Pryde and Seatrend | feet."