[comp.ai] Request from AISB Quarterly Editor

aarons@syma.sussex.ac.uk (Aaron Sloman) (01/18/90)

Below is a message from Steve Torrance, Editor of the Quarterly
Newsletter of the Society for the Study of Artificial Intelligence and
Simulation of Behaviour, requesting historical reflections.

Please will responders NOT use "reply", but communicate with the editor
(address in message below), who cannot post news himself. Information
about the Society itself is at the end of the message. Thanks.

From steve5@cluster.mx.ac.uk Wed Jan 17 19:14:55 1990
Message-Id: <23767.9001171912@syma.sussex.ac.uk>
Received: from middlesex.vaxa by syma.sussex.ac.uk; Wed, 17 Jan 90 19:12:19 GMT
Date: 		17-JAN-1990 19:11:34 GMT
Subject:        Net news version of review of 80s
Mailer:         Janet_Mailshr V3.3 (14-Dec-1988)
Sender: janet"steve5@uk.ac.mx.cluster" <steve5@cluster.mx.ac.uk>
Reply-To: Steve Torrance <steve5@cluster.middlesex.ac.uk>
X-Service: Middlesex Polytechnic Computer Service VAX Cluster
X-Address: Bounds Green road,London N11 2NQ
X-Telephone: London (01) 368-1299  ext 7360-7364

AISB QUARTERLY - A message from the Editor.


The coming issue of AISB Quarterly is the first of the 1990s.
Longstanding members of the AI community are invited to contribute brief
perspectives on how the field has evolved over the last ten years. We
would be grateful if you could forward some reflections along these
lines.  A maximum length would be around 1000 words.

Here are some questions that could be used as a framework for remarks.

*   What was your departmental environment like then as compared to now?

*   What was the general AI/Cog Science environment like then as
compared to now?

*   What were the major issues within the field?

*   What were the most important EXTERNAL factors relevant to AI/Cog

*   What were the biggest successes/failures within the decade?

*   What were the most accurate/inaccurate predictions, made around the
start of the decade?

*   Were the eighties more or less significant for AI than the seventies?

*   What do you predict for the nineties?

This call for comments is intended for people who have personal
recollections of working in AI (if only as a postgraduate student) since
1980 or before.

I look forward to hearing from you, and from any people you have contacted.

Steve Torrance
Editor, AISB Quarterly

JANET mail:     steve5@uk.ac.middlesex.cluster

(AISB Quarterly is the publication of the Society for the Study of
Artificial Intelligence and Simulation of Behaviour.  AISB recently
celebrated its twenty-fifth year.  The Quarterly reaches a wide
cross-section of the AI and Cognitive Science community both in the
British Isles and worldwide. Subscription details can be obtained from
Judith Dennison, AISB Excecutive Officer, University of Sussex, U.K.
JANET mail: judithd@uk.ac.sussex.cogs. Telephone: (44) +273 678379.)