[comp.ai] workshop on intelligent diagnostic and control sys. for manufacturing

billchu@unccvax.UUCP (Tseng Bill Chu) (01/19/90)

Workshop on Intelligent Diagnostic and Control Systems for

Time and Place:  July 29 -30, 1990,  Boston, MA

Program Committee

Bei-Tseng Bill Chu (Chair) Department of Computer Science,
University of North Carolina, Charlotte, NC 28223 (704-547-4568,

Mary Emrich, Director of the Center of Intelligent Systems, 
Oak Ridge National Laboratory, P.O.Box X, Oak Ridge, TN 37830

Gary Kahn  Carnegie Group Inc, Five PPG Place, Pittsburgh, PA 15222

Hossein Nivi, Ford Motor Company, Manufacturing Systems and
Operations Engineering Department, 24500 Glendale Ave. Detroit, MI
48239 (313-592-2356). 

Emanuel Sachs, Department of Mechanical Engineering, MIT, Boston, MA
02139 (619-253-5381) sachs@cas.mit.edu.

Focus of the workshop

This workshop is intended to provide a forum for practitioners and 
researchers to exchange ideas and report successful techniques to
intelligently diagnose and control manufacturing processes. 
The emphasis of this workshop is to examine how AI techniques can complement 
traditional techniques such as statistical process control, digital control, 
optimization theory, and operations research in helping manufacturing 
facilities. We are looking for participants working in the following areas:

1.  Developing functioning intelligent diagnostic/control systems in 
    manufacturing facilities.

2.  Architectures and methodologies that specifically address issues of
    intelligent diagnostic and control systems for manufacturing.

The workshop is by invitation only. In order to facilitate discussion,
the workshop will be limited to no more than 50 participants. All
extended abstracts will be reviewed by the program committee and full
papers will be published in a proceeding. 


   March 26 1990: three copies of extended abstract (maximum four pages) 
   received by Bill Chu. 

   April 23, 1990: acceptance invitation mailed out. 

   May 18, 1990: full paper received by Bill Chu for workshop proceedings.  

   No exceptions can be granted for the above deadlines. Submissions are 
   encouraged to include e-mail addresses to speed up communications.

Preliminary agenda

Day 1.

Opening statements by Bill Chu (UNCC)

Paper presentations on functioning intelligent diagnostic and control systems 
for manufacturing. 

Poster session.

Lunch break


Invited presentation by Emanuel Sachs (MIT)


Paper presentations on architectures for intelligent diagnostic and
control systems for manufacturing.

Day 2.

Breaking into workgroups on interested topics.

lunch break.

Report of workgroup discussions.

Penal discussion: discussion between program committee members 
and participants.

Concluding remarks  by Mary Emrich (ORNL)