(Shmuel Peleg) (02/03/90)
CALL FOR PAPERS 7th Israeli Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Computer Vision Tel-Aviv, December 26-27, 1990 The conference is the joint annual meeting of the Israeli Association for Artificial Intelligence, and the Israeli Association for Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, which are affiliates of the Israeli Information Processing Association. The language of the conference is English. Papers addressing all aspects of AI and Computer Vision are solicited. Authors should submit 4 copies of a full paper by June 1, 1990. Notification of acceptance will be made by August 1st 1990. Papers ahould be sent to: VISION: AI: Prof. A. Bruckstein Dr. Y. Feldman 7th AICV 7th AICV Faculty of Computer Science Dept of Computer Science Technion Weizmann Institute 32000 Haifa, Israel 76100 Rehovot, Israel freddy@techsel.bitnet Program Committee: M. Balaban, M. Ben Bassat, R. Dechter, E. Gudes, T. Flash, D. Lehmann, M. Luria, Y. Moses, U. Ornan, J. Rosenschein, E. Shapiro, Z. Meiri, A. Meizles, S. Peleg, M. Porat, M. Sharir, S. Ullman, M. Werman, H. Wolfson, Y. Yeshurun