aarons@syma.sussex.ac.uk (Aaron Sloman) (02/05/90)
NB - please do NOT use "reply". Email responses should go to turing@uk.ac.sussex.syma ----------------------------------------------------------------------- TURING 1990 COLLOQUIUM At the University of Sussex, Brighton, England 3rd - 6th April 1990 This Conference commemorates the 40th anniversary of the publication in Mind of Alan Turing's influential paper "Computing Machinery and Intelligence". It is hosted by the School of Cognitive and Computing Sciences at the University of Sussex and held under the auspices of the Mind Association. Additional support has been received from the Analysis Committee, the Aristotelian Society, The British Logic Colloquium, The International Union of History and Philosophy of Science, POPLOG, Philosophical Quarterly, and the SERC Logic for IT Initiative. The aim of the Conference is to draw together people working in Philosophy, Logic, Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence, Cognitive Science and related fields, in order to celebrate the intellectual and technological developments which owe so much to Turing's seminal thought. Papers will be presented on the following themes: Alan Turing and the emergence of Artificial Intelligence, Logic and the Theory of Computation, The Church-Turing Thesis, The Turing Test, Connectionism, Mind and Content, Philosophy and Methodology of Artificial Intelligence and Cognitive Science. Invited talks will be given by Paul Churchland, Joseph Ford, Robin Gandy, Clark Glymour, Douglas Hofstadter, J.R. Lucas, Donald Michie, Christopher Peacocke and Herbert Simon, while other prominent contributors include Robert French (Indiana), Beatrice de Gelder (Tilburg), Andrew Hodges (Oxford), Philip Pettit (ANU) and Aaron Sloman (Sussex). Anyone wishing to attend this Conference should complete the enclosed form and send it to Andy Clark, TURING Registrations, School of Cognitive and Computing Sciences, University of Sussex, Brighton, BN1 9QH, England, U.K., enclosing a STERLING cheque or money order for the total amount payable, made out to "Turing 1990". We regret that we cannot accept payment in other currencies. The form should be returned not later than Thursday 1st March, 1990, after which an extra fee of #5.00 for late registration is payable and accommodation cannot be guaranteed. The conference will start at lunchtime on Tuesday 3rd April, 1990, and will end on Friday 6th April after tea. Final details will be sent to registered participants in February 1990. Conference Organizing Committee Andy Clark (Sussex University), David Holdcroft (Leeds University), Peter Millican (Leeds University), Steve Torrance (Middlesex Polytechnic) ___________________________________________________________________________ PROGRAMME OF INVITED SPEAKERS Paul CHURCHLAND (UCSD) Title to be announced Joseph FORD (Georgia) CHAOS : ITS PAST, ITS PRESENT, BUT MOSTLY ITS FUTURE Robin GANDY (Oxford) HUMAN VERSUS MECHANICAL INTELLIGENCE Clark GLYMOUR (Carnegie-Mellon) COMPUTABILITY, CONCEPTUAL REVOLUTIONS AND THE LOGIC OF DISCOVERY Douglas HOFSTADTER (Indiana) Title to be announced J.R. LUCAS (Oxford) MINDS, MACHINES AND GODEL : A RETROSPECT Donald MICHIE (Turing Institute) MACHINE INTELLIGENCE - TURING AND AFTER Christopher PEACOCKE (Oxford) PHILOSOPHICAL AND PSYCHOLOGICAL THEORIES OF CONCEPTS Herbert SIMON (Carnegie-Mellon) MACHINE AS MIND ____________________________________________________________________________ REGISTRATION DOCUMENT : TURING 1990 NAME AND TITLE : __________________________________________________________ INSTITUTION : _____________________________________________________________ STATUS : ________________________________________________________________ ADDRESS : ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ POSTCODE : _________________ COUNTRY : ____________________________ Any special requirements (eg. diet, disability) : _________________________ I wish to register for the Turing 1990 Colloquium and enclose a Sterling cheque or money order, payable to "Turing 1990", for the total amount listed below : Please ENTER AMOUNTS as appropriate. 1. Registration Fee: Mind Association Members #30.00 .............. (Compulsory) Full-time students #30.00 .............. (enclose proof of status - e.g. letter from tutor) Academics (including retired academics) #50.00 .............. Non-Academics #80.00 .............. Late Registration Fee #5.00 .............. (payable after 1st March) 2. Full Board including all meals from Dinner #84.00 .............. on Tuesday 3rd April to Lunch on Friday 6th April, except for Thursday evening OR All meals from Dinner on Tuesday 3rd April #33.00 .............. to Lunch on Friday 6th April, except for Thursday evening 3. Conference banquet in the Royal Pavilion, #25.00 .............. Brighton on Thursday 5th April OR Dinner in the University on Thursday 5th April #6.00 .............. 4. Lunch on Tuesday 3rd April #6.00 .............. 5. Dinner on Friday 6th April #6.00 .............. ______________ TOTAL # ______________ Signed ________________________________ Date ______________________ Please return this form, with your cheque or money order (payable to "Turing 1990"), to: Dr Andy Clark Turing 90 Cognitive and Computing Sciences, University of Sussex, Falmer, Brighton, BN1 9QH, England. ____________________________________________________________________________