[comp.ai] COLING '90 Information on registration and tutorials

walker@FLASH.BELLCORE.COM (Don Walker) (02/22/90)

			C O L I N G - 9 0


The 13th International Conference on Computational Linguistics,
COLING-90, will take place on the premises of the University of
Helsinki, on August 20 through August 25, 1990.

PRE-COLING tutorials take place on August 16 - August 18, 1990.

During COLING-90, some 160 topical papers will be read, selected from
the 650 papers submitted for consideration. In addition, more than 50
project notes with software demonstrations will be presented. There
will also be a large commercial exhibition of linguistically relevant
software and hardware.

The overriding theme of the PRE-COLING tutorials is "Theories,
methods, and tools for large-scale linguistic processing of
dictionaries and running text".  The detailed programme is as

Branimir Boguraev & James Pustejovsky, "Knowledge representation and
acquisition from dictionary sources" (10 h)

Kenneth W. Church, "Basic Unix for linguists" (6 h)

Lauri Karttunen, "Lexical computations" (6 h)

Judith L. Klavans & Patrick Hanks, "The role of large text corpora in
building natural language systems" (8 h)

Hiroshi Uchida, "Electronic dictionary" (5 h)

Facilities for on-line demonstrations and practice will be available
(workstations, dictionaries, corpora).

Deadline for advance registration is May 1, 1990. Before that date,
the following registration fees obtain:

COLING-90: students 400 FIM, others 750 FIM 

PRE-COLING: members of the academic community 500 FIM,
representatives of commercial organizations 1500 FIM

Late registration fees (after May 1, 1990) are:

COLING-90: students 600 FIM, others 1200 FIM 

PRE-COLING: members of the academic community 800 FIM,
representatives of commercial organizations 2500 FIM

Please request the detailed 2nd announcement, including information
on accommodation and the requisite registration forms, from:

Fred Karlsson
Department of General Linguistics
University of Helsinki
Hallituskatu 11
SF-00100 Helsinki, Finland
fax:    +358 0 653726
telex:  124690 unih sf