[comp.ai] "Consumer report type" article on ES shells/tools

hemmat@kuhub.cc.ukans.edu (03/16/90)

	Since I asked the question on "ES Shells/tools evaluation/comparison
 article" I have received many replies asking me to share the responses, so
 here they are:


Several mags carry features like this regularly. AI Expert, AI Week,
and Spang Robinson are ones to try first. I seem to recall seeing
these things most frequently in Spang Robinson.

If you are interested in the "bigger" tools such as ART, KEE, and
KnowledgeCraft, I would be happy to give you my experiences working
in all three. The real small tools are good for toy problems or for
helping inexperienced programmers do anything at all. For the experienced
programmer, you can almost certainly do more with Pascal or C than with
the real small "expert system" tools. The larger ones tend to be very useful,
esp since they let you program in the native language (LISP or C, usually)
when you want to, and use their tools on the parts where it helps.


Go to your local library and page back through back issues
of AI Expert and PC AI.  I know that they review a grid of 
them from time to time.


  I have published a technical note named "Selecting An Expert System Tool:
An Empirical Approach".  



I use GURU.  This is Gary Koehler's package.  Not trivial to
use, but sound and sufficiently broad to allow complex
analysis from a database.

  Some time ago, our group had to produce one of such reports for an EEC Esprit
project. The result was the production of two papers on the subject:
        "Market Survey on Data and Knowledge management tools Comparative
        Authors: L.M. Camarinha Matos, Daniel Ferreira, J. Moura Pires, Luis
Correia, Albino Barbosa
        Internal code: GR E623 RT-DA-12-87
        "Evaluation of Information System Development Tools - Update 1 -"
        Authors: Daniel Ferreira, J. Moura Pires, L.M. Camarinha Matos
        Internal code: GR E623 RT-DA-43-87
  The previous two reports are both from 1987.
  On the other hand, I've come across another publication on the subject:
        "Sistemas expertos: tecnicas y herramientas infromaticas del presente"
        Authors: Alberto Sanfeliu, Ignacio Orfeu
        Published on: CIM 7, December 1988- January 1989
  This is a Spanish publication.

Hello. In reference to your query about survey of ES tools, you might
want to check out the paper on Structured Matching by Bylander, Johnson,
and Goel. Among other things, the paper surveys systems/tools for
matching (recognition/classification) tasks. The paper can be obtained
from Laboratory for Artificial Intelligence Research, 228 Bolz Hall,
2036 Neil Avenue, The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio 43210.


 My thanks to everyone who replied.

 Mehrzad Hemmat