[comp.ai] Problem with interprocesscommunication in Quintus

pfuetz@zgdvda.UUCP (Matthias Pfuetzner) (05/09/90)


We're writing a UIMS  consiting of  a  graphical shell  (comparable to
GEM, but with dynamical aspects in creating of menus and all  forms of
input-sets [menus, object-lists,   strings, position-area, etc.],  but
for those who  know, it's based on  our inhouse product THESEUS and is
called SIEMCAD) written in C  and a dialogmanager (not  only  manager,
but also adviser, controller, helper) written in  Prolog. Because this
product is written  for Apollo WS (DN3000),  we  choose Quintus Prolog
Version  2.3. So,  the main software   control aspects  and flow is as

C-part  initializes graphical shell and starts  the prolog part, saved
as a savestate, via QP_ipc_create_servant(). This savestate contains a
general predicate in/1 which accepts a  string, parses this string and
determines what to do. This string is  generated by  the C-part of the
UIMS according to the actions done by the user:

The user selects  action "line" in a menu  and clicks two times in the
workarea of the window. Out of this the c-part generate a string "line
67 (231,21)  (489,309)"   which  it   sends  to the  prolog  part  via
QP_ipc_prepare().  Other possibilities are  "arc",  "marker", etc. The
number 67 corresponds to an existing window.

The prolog part  then checks whether  this is a valid action,  whether
the  user has  done  similar  things  for quit  a  time  (eg. building
rectangles out of lines, etc.) and has to  choose an action (providing
help,  creating new  macros, refusing  action, etc.) which  leads to a
call of a C-function defined in the C-part of the application.

Here our  problem lies!  Quintus  Prolog only allows calls from   C to
Prolog or vice  versa.  It isn't  designed  to  call functions already
defined in a C-part available BEFORE the startup of the savestate. The
Prolog savestate starts recomiling the c-part for its own and thus has
no knowledge of already opened windows and is unable to draw  the line
in the right window. It starts up his own c-system and tries  to paint
the line somewhere there and not in the old  window. One could perhaps
solve this problem by making prolog start a new process which it talks
to that sends these demands for an action to the  old c-part. But this
is  not the  way we  want it, because   of  the   big  overhead to  be

If anybody out there knows  a method how  to work around this problem,
let me know!!

            @work:            | Matthias Pfuetzner  |         @home:
  ZGDV, Wilhelminenstrasse 7  | 6100 Darmstadt, FRG |  Lichtenbergstrasse 73
    +49 6151 1000-22 or -77   \    <- Tel.nr. ->    /     +49 6151 75717
   pfuetzner@agd.fhg.de    pfuetzner@zgdvda.UUCP    XBR1YD3U@DDATHD21.BITNET