[comp.ai] AAAI Reviews

mccarty@nash.rutgers.edu (Thorne McCarty) (07/13/90)

Was your paper rejected by AAAI this year?  Were the reviews, in your
opinion, incompetent and irresponsible?

I was so outraged by one review of our paper that I sent a long
message of protest to Tom Dietterich, the Program Co-Chair.
Dietterich apologized for the poor quality review, but he insisted
that this was an aberration.  Most reviews are of high quality, he

I do not think this review was an aberration.  From the anecdotal
evidence, there are many AAAI reviews each year that are thoroughly
unprofessional.  Worse, according to the anecdotal evidence, the
selection process itself is biased.  

It is difficult to prove these statements, of course, since most
rejected authors simply grumble to their friends and then drop the
matter.  I would suggest the following:  If you have a serious
complaint about the quality of a AAAI review, send a critique to the
Program Committee.  (This year's Co-Chairs are Tom Dietterich:
tgd@turing.cs.orst.edu, and Bill Swartout: swartout@vaxa.isi.edu.)
Better yet, publicize your discontent.  If enough people protest,
perhaps AAAI will improve its act.

For the record, here is my response to the reviews.  To set the
context, I have included an abstract of our paper.  I would be happy
to send a copy of the full paper to anyone who is interested in
reading it.

L. Thorne McCarty
Computer Science Department
Rutgers University


\newcommand{\Px}{\mbox{$P({\bf x})$}}
\newcommand{\Gix}{\mbox{$G_{i}({\bf x})$}}
\newcommand{\Djx}{\mbox{$D_{j}({\bf x})$}}


\Large\bf The Case for Explicit Exceptions
\large 	L. Thorne McCarty\\
	William W. Cohen

{\bf Abstract:} Most of the work on inheritance hierarchies in recent
years has had as its goal the design of general purpose algorithms
that depend only on the topology of the inheritance network.  This
research has produced some important observations about the various
strategies used in human common sense reasoning, but it has also
produced a proliferation of incompatible systems.  In this paper, we
resurrect the alternative technique, originally proposed by
Etherington and Reiter, of explicitly encoding exceptions to default
rules. The main technical innovation is the use of a different logical
framework: a logic programming language based on {\em intuitionistic
logic.} Using a combination of full intuitionistic negation plus
negation-as-failure to encode default rules, we obtain analogues of
the normal, seminormal and nonnormal defaults of Reiter's default
logic.  The advantage of our approach is that, whereas there is no
adequate proof theory in classical logic for seminormal defaults, the
analogous queries to an intuitionistic default rulebase can be
answered by a simple top-down goal-directed interpreter.  The claim
that a default rulebase with explicit exceptions is easy to write and
debug has been substantiated by encoding more than 40 standard
examples from the literature.

\subsection*{First Review (Handwritten):}

This is not a serious review, but a diatribe against logic
programming.  The reviewer simply refuses to evaluate the paper
because the work was done in PROLOG!  Some sample comments:
This paper belongs in a conference on logic programming, rather than
The paper certainly belongs in a conference on AI.  It addresses
problems that have been dominant in AI for many years.  If the logic
programming community can offer solutions to these problems, then the
(American!) AI community ought to pay attention.  This sort of
insularity has seriously weakened the field in the past.
The author labors under the misconception that PROLOG is a good
language for communicating to other humans.
One of the main points of the paper is that our proof procedure for
default rules can be encoded in a very simple PROLOG interpreter.  To
make this point, naturally, we describe the interpreter.  It is very
simple to understand.  At Rutgers, we teach our first-year graduate
students both LISP and PROLOG, and they should all be able to follow
this discussion.  If the reviewer is unable to do so, then he (or she)
is not qualified to review the paper.

Another claim of the paper is that it is very simple to encode the
standard benchmark problems in the literature in our system, and run
them through our interpreter.  The reviewer addresses this claim as
The paper does substantiate his [sic] claims with benchmark examples,
but unfortunately, most of these are contained in an appendix that
exceeded the legal page limit.
This statement is false.  Our paper conforms exactly to the page
limits listed in the Call for Papers for {\it AAAI-90\/}: eleven pages
of text including appendices, but not including the bibliography.

This last comment is a transparent device to avoid addressing the
substantive claims of the paper.  When the reviewer gets the facts
wrong, however, he (or she) reveals the full extent of his (or her)
bias.  It is obvious that the reviewer has decided to reject the paper
from the start, without ever reading it carefully, and is simply
grasping at straws to justify this decision.

This person should never be allowed to review a {\it AAAI\/} paper

\subsection*{Second Review (Typed):}

On the surface, this is a responsible review.  The reviewer appreciates
the main claims of the paper:
The most appealing part of this work is the exceedingly simple proof
procedure which implements the intuitionistic theorem proving.  The
authors are justifiably proud of this aspect of their approach!
\ldots The proof procedure is especially elegant for interacting
From these comments alone, I would have anticipated an acceptance
rather than a rejection.

The only complaint about the paper is the alleged ``obscurity of its
writing style.''  It does appear that the reviewer had some difficulty
following portions of the paper.  But let us see if we can identify
some of the reasons for this difficulty.

Here is one specific point that the reviewer claims is unclear:
Also, (4) and (10) can't possibly be equivalent under the classical (=
Boolean) interpretation of $\If$ and $\Fail$, although perhaps under
classical (= negation-as-failure) of $\Fail$.  This needs to be
But is it true that (4) and (10) cannot possibly be equivalent under
the classical interpretation of $\If$ and $\Fail$?  Note the
\Px \;\If\; \bigwedge_{i}\Gix \;\And\; \bigwedge_{j}\Fail\Not\Djx
\left[\Px \;\If\; \bigwedge_{i}\Gix\right] \;\If\; \bigwedge_{j}\Fail\Not\Djx
\left[\Px \;\If\; \bigwedge_{i}\Gix\right] \;\Or\; \Fail\bigwedge_{j}\Fail\Not\Djx
\left[\Px \;\If\; \bigwedge_{i}\Gix\right] \;\Or\; \bigvee_{j}\Fail\Fail\Not\Djx
\left[\Px \;\If\; \bigwedge_{i}\Gix\right] \;\Or\; \bigvee_{j}\Not\Djx
Each of these steps is an equivalence in classical logic!  So what
needs to be clarified?  We could have included this derivation in our
paper, of course, but we assumed that this equivalence could be
verified by any first-year graduate student in AI!

The reviewer also complains about the citation of various results in
intuitionistic logic, as needed in the paper.  There is nothing
particularly obscure about intuitionistic logic.  It has been
thoroughly studied since the 1930's, and we have included references
to some of the main sources [12, 21].  We have also included
references to the major papers on intuitionistic logic programming, by
myself and others [2, 14, 15, 23, 24, 26].  All the stated results can
be found in these sources.  There is a comment by the reviewer that
the main facts about intuitionistic logic should be collected in a
single place, ``up front.''  I think this a reasonable editorial
suggestion, although I think an appendix would be a more appropriate
location for such material.  However, given the problem with (4) and
(10) above, should we also include an appendix collecting the main
facts about {\it classical\/} logic?

The other specific examples of ``obscure writing'' are difficult to
track down.  I have searched for ``inconsistent uses of the symbol
script R,'' and I cannot find them.  The following statement is itself
very obscure:
\ldots it is not at all clear without repeated scrutiny that the authors
are primarily {\it reinterpreting\/} the workings of the proof
procedure.  At first it really seems like they're really recoding the
default rules.
In a sense, the point of giving a model-theoretic semantics is precisely
to ``reinterpret the workings of the proof procedure,'' so it is not
clear why the reviewer has a problem here.  And what does he (or she)
mean by the phrase ``recoding the default rules''?  This needs to be

In general, it is very difficult to evaluate a claim that a paper is
obscurely written.  What is obscure to one reader may be a model of
clarity to another.  I have shown this paper to several people, and
they have all found it comprehensible.  I sent the paper to one person
(a specialist in natural language processing) prior to receiving the
{\it AAAI\/} reviews, and she volunteered the following comment: ``One
thing that I would like to add, is that I think you write very
clearly, so that even novices in nonmon like me have a chance.''

\subsection*{Overall Assessment:}

When the Program Committee Chair (or the Topic/Subtopic Chair)
received these reviews, what should he (or she) have done?

The first review should have been discarded.  It should have been
clear from a superficial examination of the paper that these were
irresponsible comments.  That would have left only one review, which
is positive on the substance of the paper and negative on the writing
style.  At this point, it should have been mandatory that the
Committee Chair solicit an additional review.  Moreover, given the
very subjective nature of an opinion about writing style, two
additional reviews should have been required in this case.

The Committee did not take these steps.  

I stand by my previous statement that the quality of reviewing at {\it
AAAI\/} is very poor.


byland@iris.cis.ohio-state.edu (Tom Bylander) (07/16/90)

>Was your paper rejected by AAAI this year?  Were the reviews, in your
>opinion, incompetent and irresponsible?

Is there an AI conference with competent reviewers?  Anecdotally, I
have found AAAI to much more of a closed conference than other AI
conferences.  My impression is that the AAAI programming committee
wields more power than those of other conferences and is very partial
to "mainstream" research.  (What counts as "mainstream" depends on the
powers-that-be in each individual subarea.)  In contrast, I have not
found IJCAI reviewers (a category to which I belong) to be any more or
less incompetent than AAAI reviewers.  However, my impression is that
IJCAI reviewers are more methodologically mixed than AAAI reviewers,
giving non-mainstream work a better chance to be accepted.

In general, many reviewers (including myself) have a narrow concept of
what an AI result should be.  However, when I review a paper, I try to
judge the paper within the framework of its methodology, rather than
my own.  I accept the paper if I think it is reasonably rigorous and
will be interesting to the methodological subgroup.

Oh, to answer your questions---yes, my paper was rejected and IMHO one
of the two reviewers was incompetent and irresponsible.  Apparently, I
will have to use a lot more precious space to explain why my problem
is interesting and to explain my methodology.  I hoped to do much of
this work by referring to previous papers (in arcane proceedings like
IJCAI and AAAI) that already explain these issues in detail.
Unfortunately, the reviewer had not read them and consequently
misunderstood what I was doing.

forbus@m.cs.uiuc.edu (07/17/90)

Speaking as a former program chair for AAAI, let me stick in the
following $0.02.  [These opinions are, of course, my own, and should
not be construed as an official statement of the AAAI.]

0. If you think you have received an irresponsible review, PLEASE get
in touch with the program chair(s).  Such feedback is viewed as
extremely important.  While it may or may not affect the outcome in
your particular case, there is deep concern about quality control in
the reviewing process.  For example, reviewers who screw up often end
up getting dropped from future program committees.

1. When I was program chair, my very own paper was rejected.  If it is
a "closed shop" or an "old boy's network", it certainly didn't work
very well for me!  (And, yes, I thought it was a great paper.
Furthermore, it had been flushed the year before and I carefully
re-wrote it along the lines the referees had suggested.  Still lost.
See point 4 below.)

2. Writing conference papers is a special skill, akin to writing
haiku.  A good conference paper, due to space limitations, is
typically about one idea and some of its ramifications.  System
descriptions rarely work. (The paper mentioned above finally saw the
light of day as a journal article.  There was just no way it could fit
in the constraints of a conference paper.)  Empirical papers where the
experiments don't all lead to some coherent point often don't work.

And space limitations aren't the only problem.  The time constraints
means that, unlike a journal, if it isn't pretty much all there the
first time, there won't be time to fix it.  Now, add to these
constraints the fact that people tend to finish their papers at the
last minute (50% of them arrive the day of the deadline, on the
average), and you see why writing for this forum is tough.

Empirically, many AAAI (and IJCAI) submissions are poorly written.
One may say this is a "subjective matter", but that's dodging the
issue.  In point of fact, conference papers really need to be
understandable by the reviewers, who after all are part of the
community one hopes to address.

3. In my experience, the reviewing provided by AAAI usually results in
more accurate appraisals than the more distributed IJCAI method.  The
face-to-face approach really helps reviewers converge more accurately.
Many conflicts get resolved by finding another expert in the area and
having them read the paper, and either providing extra advice or
writing an additional review.  (The most controversial case garnered
five reviews.  I don't remember if the paper got in or not.)

The methodological bias issue, to me, is a red herring.  I'm sure
there are biases.  I'm also sure that everyone who reviews works very
hard to make sure that their biases are kept under control.
Interestingly, I've seen many examples of people from radically
different "camps" in a subarea of AI agree, right down the line, on
accept/reject decisions on papers in their area.

So, personally, I'm much less likely to believe a paper was rejected
for dogmatic reasons, and more inclined to believe that the referees
just honestly thought it wasn't over threshold for that conference.  I
often get papers rejected.  It doesn't feel good.  Sometimes in
retrospect I see what the reviewers meant.  Sometimes I don't.  While
I have seen cases of irresponsible reviews, in my experience they are
extremely rare.

4. In any filtering system some noise is inevitable.  Ultimately, you
have to realize that there are simply honest differences of opinion.
People differ on when a point is well-enough established, on what
constitutes sufficient rigor, on what kinds of discussion of potential
impact and literature survey suffices, etc.  Usually the really great
papers all get accepted, the really bad papers all get rejected, and
the stuff in between gets sorted out more or less correctly.  That's
really the best one can hope for, I think.

	Ken Forbus

ether@tzero.usa (David Etherington) (07/19/90)

There are lots of problems with the AAAI reviewing process,
but perhaps things aren't as bad as they may seem annectdotally.
First of all, all the annectdotes you hear are bad--nobody tells
you how good the reviews they got were!

Secondly, each reviewer meets with the other reviewer(s) face
to face and discusses the paper (in some cases, assuming that
they didn't already agree with a cut and dried accept or reject)
to hash out a decision.  Thus, given paper where one reviewer who 
thinks there is no content and the other thinks it is acceptable, 
some negotiation goes on.  Thus, you have to have 2 irresponsible
reviewers to get an irresponsible JUDGEMENT.  Unfortunately, the
process doesn't then FORCE the reviewers to go back and write a
good review.  So you end up with reviews that don't reflect the
final judgement adequately.  The area chairs are supposed to try
to check the reviews to filter out the inflammatory ("Why do you
keep sending in this kind of crap?" ones, but it doesn't always
work (there were about 350 reviews done in 2 days in the KR area!).

However, there were at least a couple of irresponsible reviewers
(IMHO) this year, and they may have shared a couple of papers.
There should be a mechanism to review reviewers (publicly? :-)
so that the flakes get weeded out.  Don't know how you could do
it in such a way that you'd be free of lawsuits, though.

All in all, the AAAI review process seems much better than the
IJCAI process, taken in the large, since there is confrontation
on the reviews.  I rarely see what I'd consider a well-written
paper with good content rejected.  (If anything, I see papers 
accepted that need lots of work.)  Unfortunately, less-well-written
but significant papers sometimes suffer.  Maybe that should encourage
us to write better, rather than trying to get the paper together
in time to make the Monday FedEx deadline!

hendler@dormouse.cs.umd.edu (Jim Hendler) (07/21/90)

 I've sent quiet messages to several people about the AAAI reviews
letter, but I do want to address an issue that I think is important.
Both Etherington and Forbus, rightly, point out that the technique
used at AAAI, with face to face and a small program committee,
probably leads to a better quality of reviewing than the distributed
IJCAI approach.  I've been involved in several conference program
committees (including IJCAI reviewing, but not AAAI yet) and agree
with this.
 However, one of the criticisms often addressed to AAAI is not of poor
reviewing (although every PC hears this), but rather of having a point
of view and a relatively closed shop.  Papers at IJCAI may not always
be as good as AAAI (although it is arguable), but the many people
involved in the reviewing keeps the conference from being biased by
approach.  At AAAI the Prog Chair(s) choose the subtopic area "chairs"
and these folks in turn, working with the Prog chair(s), choose the
reviewers.  Unfortunately, some of these folks do not make the effort
to be sure that the PC they pick is distributed accross the approaches
to the area (and there are understandably many reasons this may happen
- geographic proximity, professional collegiality, etc.).  Since one
of the goals each year is to have continuity, in the past this has
sometimes lead AAAI to have some of its areas become somewhat narrow.
  I think that AAAI is aware of this, and the choice of Program
chairs, PC members, etc. show an effort is being made by AAAI to avoid
this.  In its early years, however, I think less effort was made, and
the conference gained a negative reputation among some sectors of the
AI community.  As a member of the AI community, I'd argue that we
should encourage AAAI in these efforts, and stay involved in the
conference.  On the other hand, I think AAAI must remain aware of its
reputation and keep making sure that PC members are chosen to span
areas, that new people are being brought into the process each year,
that some folks who typically do NOT publish in AAAI should be brought
into the process, etc.  
  Jim Hendler
  Computer Science Dept.
  College Park, Md. 20742