[comp.ai] How to build an Expert System: Refs wanted

jberger@asterix.drev.dnd.ca (Jean Berger) (07/24/90)

	Hey folks,

	some of you having large experience in the design of ES know
	probably valuable references on how to build ES. I am in the
	process to circumscribe the main elements involved in the
	development life cycle of an ES. Plenty of references exist on
	the matter (a little too much) but I am looking for clear,
	substantiated, straightforward, easy, guideline-oriented
	references. In other words, easy COMPLETE guideline references
	on building ES (the BEST you actually know on the matter: publications,
	books, ....). Which one would you recommend as basics for engineers ?
	Depending of the interest, follow-up might follow. Thanks a million.

 -- Great Minds Think Alike
jean berger Eng.                       Defence Research Establishment
                                       Command and Control Division